- 論文の詳細を見る
The magnitude of the threshold stress to propagate fatigue crack was calculated by using the fatigue limit of notched specimens at the branch point. As soon as a fatigue crack develops at the root of the notch of a specimen the mode of stressing at the end of the developed crack changes from an alternating stress to a repeating stress, ranging from 0 to σ_S', where as the load on the specimen is still an alternating one. This, and the fact that the fatigue limit of the specimen at the branch point is equal to the yield point of the material, enable us to calculate the threshold magnitude to spread fatigue crack of the stress σ_S'. It was found that, in the case of annealed carbon steels, the threshold stress σ_S' is nearly equal to twice the rotary bending fatigue limit of the material. The load carrying capacity of specimens with fatigue crack was discussed and it was concluded that the compressive stress existing at the root of the crack increases the crack spreading resistance of the material considerably.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1956-09-15
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