S-B-4 S-B-4. Chemotherapy of Gliomas by Continuous Infusion (Symposium B: Treatment of Glioma)
Kitamura Koichi
Department Of Neurosurgery University Of Tokyo
Kitamura Koichi
Department Of Neruosurgery Neurolofixl Institute Tokyo Women's Medical College
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Tokyo
- 22. Percutaneous Cordotomy for Relief of Pain : Clinical Application and Histological Evaluation of Making Lesion
- Computerized Tomography in Acute Severe Head Trauma
- A-71. A Study on the Changes of Histological Findings and Types in the Cases of Brain Tumor Recurrence.
- A-62. Ultrasturetures of Neuroectodermal Tumors : The Transitional Morphology between Medulloblastoma and Ependymoma
- B-34. Radioisotope Ventricular Clearance on the C.S.F. Dynamics : A Study on Microcephaly and Hydrocephalus
- 18. Effects of Stereotactic Lesions on Thiosemicarbazide-Induced Seizure in Cats
- 5. A Radio-anatomical Study on the Mobility of Crevical Spinal Cord in the Canal : An Appraisal of Percutaneous Crevical Cordotomy
- A Clinico-physiological Study of Visually Evoked Potential (VEP) and Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SEP) in So-called Vegetative State and Delta Coma
- A-23. Sutdy on the Hemodynamics of Apallic Syndrome Using ^131I-MAA
- 4. Clinical considerations on the Function of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve
- A-3. Studies on Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus with R.I.(The third report) : ^XerCBF for Evaluating the Brain Damage
- B-33. A Trial to Evaluate Quantitative CSF Dynamics Using Anger Camera : Diagnostic Value Compared with Cisternography
- Discussion to 30. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a Postoperative Management in Neurosurgery
- A Female Case of the HCG-Producing Ectopic Pinealoma Associated with Precocious puberty
- S-B-4 S-B-4. Chemotherapy of Gliomas by Continuous Infusion (Symposium B: Treatment of Glioma)
- B-29. Abscess of the Brain : Special reference to surgical indication of extracapsular excision of brain abscess
- A-53. Surgical Treatment of Primary Intraventricular Hemorrhage
- B-24. Orbital Decompression in Craniofacial Dysostosis (Crouzon's Disease) : Special Reference to Zygomatic Approach
- B-23. Intracranial Venous and Venous Sinus Mulformation
- 74. Syphon Body Tumor