三叉神経痛にて発見されたepidermoid : 臨床的考察と手術アプローチ
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In the past 4 years, the authors operated on 120 cases of trigeminal neuralgia. It is noteworthy that among the series there were 13 cases (11%) of cerebellopontine (CP) angle epidermoid. This report discusses the clinical significance of this tumor and the surgical approach. The age distribu-tion ranged from 22 to 70 years, with a mean age of 45 years, which is considerably lower than the mean age of 59 years in the series. There were no characteristic findings regarding sex, laterality or distribution of pain. The patients were classified into 3 groups from the nature of the neuralgia and associated neurological findings; 8 patients were classified into Group I with genuine tic douloureux, 3 patients into Group II with atypical trigeminal neuralgia, 2 patients into Group III with trigeminal neuralgia and other neurological signs. The duration of the symptoms was from 6 months to 10 years, with a mean of 5 years. Previous treatments were varied. According to the ex-tent of epidermoid, the posterior fossa approach was used in 11 cases and the subtemporal transten-torial approach in 2 cases. Computerized tomography (CT) and metrizamide CT cisternography were very useful and characteristic in the diagnostic procedure, but there were 4 cases in which the high resolution CT findings were negative and the diagnosis of CP angle epidermoid was made by craniectomy aimed for microvascular decompression. The epidermoid was extending from the lower cranial nerves up to the midbrain or the hypothalamus and to the middle fossa. In all 13 cases the tumor was totally removed microsurgically and postoperative follow-up disclosed complete disap-pearance of trigeminal neuralgia in all cases. The permanent postoperative deficit were decreased hearing in 1 case and hearing loss in 1 case. The relatively high frequency of epidermoid in this series (11%) should be kept in mind when treating trigeminal neuralgia even by some other procedure, particularly in younger patients.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1984-10-15
- 顔面神経鞘腫に対するサイバーナイフ低分割定位放射線治療
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- 慢性硬膜下血腫の成因に対する考察 : 経時的CT scanによる観察から
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- 舌咽神経痛に対する神経血管減圧術 : 16例の手術経験
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- 転移性下垂体腫瘍 : その病態と診断, 治療
- 三叉神経痛にて発見されたepidermoid : 臨床的考察と手術アプローチ
- Hemifacial spasmで発見されたCP angle epidermoid
- 三叉神経痛に対するグリセロ-ル注入法およびmicrovascular decompressionの比較
- 2B1-22 抗てんかん薬服用指導の検討
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- 脳神経外科におけるマイクロサージェリーの現況 : 優れた手術用顕微鏡の必要性
- めまいを伴う聾型突難発症を呈した聴神経腫瘍症例
- 顔面痙攣に対するMVD(MS-5 神経血管減圧術の基本, 第25回 日本脳神経外科コングレス総会)
- 2. 椎骨・脳底動脈圧迫による三叉神経痛の減圧術(B2 神経血管減圧術 : 困難例に対する手技)
- 3.MVDの再手術
- 疼痛コントロ-ルの実際 7 三叉神経痛・舌咽神経痛をめぐる問題点