虚血性脳血管障害の局所脳血流量 : TIA, RIND
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Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured in 25 patients with transient ischemic attacks (TIA) and 34 patients with reversible ischemic neurological deficits (RIND) or ischemic strokes with full recovery. The rCBF measurements were performed by means of the ^<133>Xe intracarotid injection method, using a scintillation camera and an on-line computer system. The rCBF data were analysed and compared with the computed tomography (CT) and angiographic findings on each patient. There was no significant difference in the average of the mean hemispheric values of rCBF (mean CBF) between TIA and RIND. The averages of mean CBF of TIA or RIND were significantly lower than those of the normal controls, and higher than those of the completed strokes. There was no correlation between the elapsed time from the last attack and the mean CBF in TIA. There was also no correlation between the elapsed time from the onset, or between the presence or absence of hemiparesis and the mean CBF in RIND. CT showed lacunae in 24% of TIA and 32% of RIND, whereas a cortical low density area was shown in only one case in each group. Angiographic abnormalities were found predominantly in the intracranial major arteries, rather than the extracranial carotid artery in both groups. Six patients of TIA (24%) and 6 of RIND (18%) had involvement of their extracranial internal carotid artery. There was no correlation between the mean CBF and angiographic findings. Although the mean CBF did not correlate to CT findings in TIA, it was significantly lower in RIND patients with lacunae on CT scans. Hemispheric pattern of flow distribution (HPFD) was disturbed in 88% of TIA and 74% of RIND. Focal ischemia was shown in only one case with RIND, whereas diffuse ischemia was shown in 2 cases with TIA and 5 cases with RIND. Loss of the hyperfrontal pattern which was thought to represent a mild diffuse cerebral dysfunction, was shown in 44% of TIA and 29% of RIND. Because diffuse involvement of HPFD was shown without reference for the elapsed time from the last attack of TIA or the onset of RIND, the authors support the 'hemodynamic' theory as opposed to 'microembolic' theory as the cause of TIA or RIND. It is concluded that TIA and RIND have the same causative factors, and the clinical difference of TIA and RIND is the only difference in recovery times between TIA and RIND.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1985-05-15
亀山 茂樹
亀山 茂樹
谷村 憲一
本田 吉穂
小田 博重
本田 吉穂
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- 2 前頭葉てんかんに対する術前診断に非侵襲的機能画像が有用であった2症例(第40回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
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- B-09 側頭葉底部に発作焦点を有する 4 症例の経験
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- 15 AVM による側頭葉てんかんの 1 手術例(I. 一般演題)(第 39 回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
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- B-22 側頭葉てんかん切除術例の側方性とMinnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI) による人格特性の関連について
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- 2A-12 難治性てんかんに対するcallosotomy3例の経験
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- 3.焦点切除術(皮質切除)
- ●どう解決するか : 4.顔面痙攣の微小血管減荷術
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- A-11 1歳以降にシリーズ形成性のtonic spasmsをきたした症例の臨床的検討
- 5 難治性新皮質てんかんに対する手術戦略(I.一般演題,第43回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- パーキンソン病振戦に対する視床破壊術前後のSPECT所見の検討
- A-31 笑い発作 3 例の外科治療経験
- A-8 当センターで薬物治療開始後に発作消失をみた患者の検討
- C-10 当センターにおける乳児重症ミオクロニーてんかんおよびその周辺群についての臨床的検討 : 発作予後と治療および疾患単位についての考察
- A-8 てんかん性回転発作中に言語自動症を伴う一女児例
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- 第四脳室を占拠したクモ膜嚢腫の1例
- 2C137 最近経験したてんかん発作を呈した側頭葉器質性疾患の3例
- 補足運動野発作に対する外科治療のための皮質機能マッピングと術中モニタリング