乳幼児の外傷性subdural effusion
- 論文の詳細を見る
Thirty cases of infantile traumatic subdural effusion were investigated to study the factors affecting it's clinical course, pathophysiology and prognosis. Although the clinical course of traumatic subdural effusion differs from case to case, it seems reasonable to classify it roughly into the following two types: (1) cases showing exacerbation of preceding chronic subdural effusion by head injury; and (2) cases with chronic subdural effusion or cases transformed from acute subdural effusion. These courses are intermingled with each other in some cases and the effect of treatment differs accordingly. The determining factors of the response to the treatment are numerous and interrelated. Among the various factors, the existing pathological changes in the cerebral parenchyma have the most serious effects. It is clinically important to establish the objective index predicting the prognosis before treatment. The accurate assessment of mental and physical development, measurement of cerebral hemodynamics and CT findings provide useful information for this purpose.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1980-10-15
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- 乳幼児の外傷性subdural effusion
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