- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to complete the surgical treatment of intracerebral hematomas due to hypertension located in the basal nuclei, it is necessary to obtain preoperatively a correct estimate for the possibility of postoperative rehabilitation of the patient, besides saving the patient's life.<BR>Prerequisites for this purpose have been mentioned and discussed by many authors, but none of them appear to be satisfactory. In the study to be presented in this paper, a detailed investigation was made of cerebral angiograms obtained from patients with an established diagnosis of an intracerebral hematoma of the lateral type. Two points at which two lines which join the median point of A<SUB>1</SUB> and the displaced Sylvian point and the estimated normal Sylvian point intersect the lateral branch of the striate artery (vascular intersection ratio) and the angle made between these lines were taken as the basic criteria for determining whether or not the patient will fall into a disabled state postoperatively. In addition to this morphological evaluation of cerebral angiograms, parameters such as the acid-base balance of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid and respiratory function, paticularly A-<SUB>a</SUB>DO<SUB>2</SUB>, shunt rate and physiological dead space rate, were also studied both pre-and postoperatively to obtain an estimate of existing functional disturbance due to intracerbral hematoma. These procedures were found to be of great value in the prognosis for postoperative disability.
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- 脳刺激による除痛法 : 視床中継刺激法とその効果
- 視床中継核と中脳中心灰白質刺激による縫線核脊髄路neuronへの促進効果
- 知覚入力による視床中継核および体性感覚領野のニューロン活動と局所脳血流量の変動
- 急性硬膜下出血を伴う脳挫傷に対する広範囲減圧開頭の限界
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- 乳幼児の外傷性subdural effusion
- 外傷性脳内血腫の血腫形成機序よりみた分類
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- 頭蓋内圧亢進時における脳循環障害 : 特に脳灌流圧と脳静脈機構について
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- 実験的cerebral concussionにおける脳内ACh levelならびにACh turnover rateの変化
- 小児の頭蓋内神経鞘腫
- Destruction hydrocephalus : その病態に対する一考察
- 脳卒中後痙性麻痺に対する脊髄後索刺激
- 脳刺激による除痛法 : Central inhibitory system の機構
- 87. 乳幼児外傷性頭蓋内血腫の 8 例について(脳神経外科 I)
- 脳神経外科 I
- 尾状核部高血圧性脳出血の手術適応
- 破裂脳動脈瘤Grade III, IV (Hunt) の重症度評価
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- 外側型高血圧性脳内血腫の社会復帰に及ぼす諸因子
- クモ膜下出血早期の意識障害とその対策