妊娠中, 脳動脈瘤破裂の1例
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A case of surgically treated subarachnoid hemorrhage during pregnancy is reported. A 23-year-old woman at 22 weeks' gestation developed severe headache and frequent vomiting. On admission, she had mild confusion, disorientation, and moderate neck stiffness. Computed tomography scan of the head revealed subarachnoid hemorrhage. As a chest X-ray showed aspiration pneumonia, intentional delayed operation was selected. Cerebral angiography done on the 4th admission day disclosed a saccular aneurysm at the left internal carotid-posterior communicating junction. On the 12th admission day, at 24 weeks' gestation, craniotomy was carried out and clipping of the neck of the aneurysm was performed under gas-oxygen-fluothane general inhalation anesthesia. During the surgery, trinitroglycerin was administered in order to induce hypotension under continuous fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring by cardiotocogram. Postoperative courses of the mother and fetus were uneventful, and the mother delivered a healthy female baby by a normal vaginal delivery when she was 38 weeks pregnant. FHR monitoring, which is feasible from 16 weeks' gestation, well represents the state of the fetus, and is useful for the surgical treatment of pregnant woman. Some consideration would be needed of probable teratogenicity induced by inhalation anesthetics such as halothane or nitrous oxide in patients before 16 weeks' gestation.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1987-08-15
豊田 泰
川原 和也
田中 滋也
前山 隆太郎
有村 裕幸
福田 敦夫
豊田 泰
- 405 子宮胎盤循環と母体体循環との関連性についての検討
- 妊娠中, 脳動脈瘤破裂の1例
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- P-105 妊娠中期子宮動脈血流速度波形異常例の妊娠予後に関する検討
- 子宮動脈血流波形分析による早発型妊娠中毒症の発症および重症化予知について(ワークショップII : 妊娠中毒症の診断と発症予知)
- P-112 妊娠中期子宮動脈血流波形および高血圧家系と妊娠中毒症、胎児発育遅延発症との関連性についての検討
- 78 尿中蛋白分析による妊娠中毒症再分類とその臨床的意義