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Humans must resign themselves to the inevitable biological decline in their physical performance. How to deal with aging is a timeless problem for all humanity. Research adopting a natural scientific approach has focused on the problems associated with aging, especially in the realm of physical activity and the health of the elderly. On the other hand, deterioration of physical performance as a result of aging varies considerably among individuals. The present paper focuses on this problem by considering the meaning of physical aging from a philosophical viewpoint. Philosophy is based on philosophical anthropology and the existential viewpoint. This paper examines (1) Cicero's thoughts on aging, (2) the life-span developmental theory in an attempt to find a method for defining aging, and (3) the problem of freedom, in which the human body is regarded as an existential being. The main areas of discourse in this paper are as follows. 1. Cicero proposes a physiological rationale for aging, which is a natural process in humans. However, Milo focuses on the existential problem. 2. There are limitations to the life-span developmental theory. 3. The main limitation is a dimension of existence whereby our bodily freedom is lost as a direct result of aging, and the body exists as a subjective extension. Bodily freedom does not mean that our mind runs away from lost bodily ability. It means that our body as a subjective extension constitutes a new world. It is concluded that the problem of bodily freedom needs to be considered when addressing the issue of aging besides the field of natural science.
- 2005-09-10
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