家庭染料(市販)に対する一考察 第1報
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Experiments on popular domestic dyes were made to see how to use them effectively. We tried with three colours of dyestuff, red, yellow and blue, through the students using them. The time required for dyeing is from thirty minutes to forty respectivly. For the red dyestuff, the more we use time to dye, the better the effect is. In regard to substantial properties, they are strong against rubbiug, but weak to the sunlight. In reg ard to the effects of dyeing, there are differences among them, when one of assistants such as NaCl, Na_2SO_4 and Na_2CO_3 is used, according to the colour of dyestaffs. The dyeing with the assistant of NaCl is very much efficient, and not so much with either Na_2SO_4 or Na_2CO_3. For the high-colored dyeing, 20% of NaCl is fit, and probably 10% is in respect of Na_2SO_4. The students say that they cannot dye well and there remains about ten specks, but our experiments never met with such a failure, so we feel no need of Na_2CO_3. We could bring about better results with assistants, but not always substantive qualities. In respect of aftertreatments, those with metallic salts and HCHO having been practised, the dyestuff of Maker (I) bring only a little change of colour and a little added solidity, but those of Maker II bring abotu rather black and not beautiful colours with little effects of after-treatments.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1963-03-01
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- 家庭染料(市販)に対する一考察(第2報)
- 家庭染料(市販)に対する一考察 第1報