49. A Case of 46, XY Gonadal Dysgenesis (H-Y^-)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1985-11-01
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Sch. Med., Hokkaiso Univ., Sapporo
Sato H
Dept. Obst. Gynec., Tokyo Med. College
Dept. Obst. Gynec., Nagoya Univ., Med. Sch.
Sakamoto H
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Ichinoe K
Dept. Obst Gynec. Sch. Med. Univ. Of Hokkaido
- The Effects of Development of the CNS and Function on Fetal Movement as well as Cardiac Acceleration (ACC) and Deceleration (DCC)
- Abdominal Surface Potentials (ASP) in Mid to Late Pregnancy in Association with Uterine Contractile Activity
- A Study of Reflex Oxytocin Release in Normal Pregnant Women
- A Study of Umbilical Arterial Blood Flow and a Production of Prostanoids in the Vascular Tissues
- Effect of Uterotonic Hormones on a Myometrial Actomyocin Superprecipitation
- 32. The Allosteric Effect of Prostaglandins on the Oxytocin Receptor Activity in the Onset of Human Labor
- 285. Effects of Catechol Estrogens and Prostaglandin on Gonadotropin Secretion
- 74. Study of Oxytocin Receptor Dynamics on the Plasma Membrane of the Human Myometrium
- 298. Relationships of Electrolyte Balance and Mineralocorticoids in the Fetus and Neonates
- 102. Study of Oxytocin, Estradiol and Progesterone Receptors: their Gestational Change and Distribution in Myometrium
- 85. The Changes of Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity during Experimental Hypertension in Pregnant Rabbits
- 126. Influence of Uterine Contraction on Cervical Blood Flow in Late Pregnant Women
- 315. Estimation of the Fetoplacental Reservoir by Oxytocin Induced Uterine Contraction in Late Pregnancy
- 170. Various Feto-placental Function Tests and their Clinical Significance in Late Pregnancy
- 305. A Study of the Cerebral Blood Flow in Newborn Fetuses
- 114. Intrauterine Environment and Fetal Development in the Terminal Stage of Pregnancy : A Study with Emphasis on Intrauterine Pressure
- Incidence of Anuclear Oocyte in vitro in Aged Mouse
- The Importance of Vascular Systems on the Maintenance of Pregnancy
- 424. The Effect of the Estrous Cycle on the Proliferation of the Uterine Radial Artery in Guinea Pigs
- 423. Enzyme-histochemical Studies on Localization of Estradiol in Follicular Oocytes and Granulosa Cells
- 189. Promoting Effect of Oocyte and FSH on the Proliferation of Granulosa Cells in vivo
- Arterial Infusion Therapies for Gynecological Malignancies : Evaluation through Histological Changes
- 19. Investigation of the Biochemical and immunological Diagnoses of Gynecological Malignant Tumors
- 145. Serum Isozymes in Gynecologic Malignant Tumor Cases : With Particular Respect to their Diagnostic Value
- 24. Delayed-type Skin Test in the Patients with Gynecologic Malignancies
- Fetal Cardiorespiratory Responses to Maternal Administration of Nicardipine in the Awake Pregnant Goats
- 76. The Mechanism of Human Ovarian Aging Investigated by the Follicle Granulosa Cells
- 70. Effects of Estradiol, FSH on Binding of ^I-FSH, ^I-LH and Effects of FSH, LH on Uptake of ^3H-Estradiol to Human, Bovine and Porcine Granulosa Cells in vitro
- 3. Histological and Immunohistological Study of Low Potential Malignant Ovarian Tumor (LPM)
- 277. Fundamental and Clinical Studies on Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy in Cancer of the Cervix
- 24. Studies on CA 125 and CA 19-9 as Tumor Markers in Patients with Ovarian Tumors : An Immunohistochemical Study with the Use of OG 125 and Anti-CA 19-9 Antibody
- Diurnal Variations in Plasma Levels of Catecholamine Metabolites in Normal Men and Women
- 67. Measurement of Serum and Urinary Gonadotropin Levels as a Fertilization Test
- 51. On a Serum Progesterone Level as an Indicator for Multiple Pregnancy after Ovulation Induction by Gonadotropins in Human and Rabbit
- 389. In vitro Studies of Rabbit Blastocyst Implantation
- Clinical and Histologic Studies on Vaginal Reconstruction after Radical Hysterectomy
- Histochemical Study on Immune Response in the Host of Gestational Choriocarcinoma Especially NK Cells
- Histochemical Study on the Changes of the Artery of Umbilical Cord Over the Passage of Time and Structural Features
- 161. Immunohistochemical Study of the Host Immune Response in Pregnancy Choriocarcinoma
- 100. A Study of PLA_2 Activity and PG Biosynthesis in Umbilical Vessels from Toxemic Pregnancy
- 105. Clinical Evaluation of Electrohysterographic (EHG) Topograms of the Human in Labor
- 31. A Study of Prostaglandin Biosynthesis in Amnions during Human Labor
- 5. Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of Nucleic Acids and Proteins in the Premalignant and Malignant Cells of the Cervix
- 334. The Role of Menopause for the Development of Endometrial Carcinoma
- 318. Effects of Menstrual Irregularity on the Pregnancy, Delivery and Fetus
- 69. Effects of Glycine on Serum Gonadotropins and Estradiol
- 61. Effects of Clomiphene Citrate Administered to Neonatal Female Rats on Genital Organs
- 37. A Study on the Structural Characteristics of the Artery of Placental Stem Villi
- Analysis of Maternal Immune-response with Respect to Maintenance of Pregnancy
- 101. Studies of Oxytocin Receptor in Human Myometrium
- 10. Photoirradiation Therapy Following Administration of HpD for Gynecological Malignant Tumors : Especially Treatment for Vaginal Carcinoma and CIS
- Non-surgical MTX Therapy for Patients with Tubal Pregnancies
- Chromosome Instablity Observed in Cells from Monospermic, Homozygous Moles
- Cytogenetic Study of Endometrial Carcinomas
- 101. Non-Surgical Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancies
- MTX Resistant Mechanisms in Human Choriocarcinoma Cells
- 93. The Establishment of Choriocarcinoma Cell Line and its Cytological Characteristics
- 215. The Propensity to Malignancy of Dispermic, Heterozygous Moles
- 44. Chromosomal Changes Associated with the Differentiation of Yolk Sac Tumor Cells
- 257. The Cytological Study for Sisterchromatid Exchanges and Chromosomal Aberrations Induced by Mitomycin C in the Mole
- 33. Transplacental Transfer of β_2-Stimulant and Fetal Circulation in the Third Trimester Pregnant Sheeps
- 30. Experimental Induction of Yolk Sac Tumor in Rat and its Characters
- 430. (Abstract is not available)
- 41. MTX-CF Therapy for Gestational Trophoblastic Tumors
- 173. Effect of Tamoxifen on Tissues of Endometrial Adenocarcinoma
- 119. Alterations in Glucose Tolerance and Plasma Insulin Level by Progestogen in Postmenopausal Women (Differences of Glucose Tolerance and Insulin Response by O-GTT Pattern and Obesity)
- 73. Changes of Myometrial Ca^ -Mg^・ATPase and Myosin Light Chain Kinase Activities during Human Pregnancy
- 85. A Morphological Study of the Localization of ^3H-E_2 and ^I-LH on Luteinized Human Granulosa Cells in vitro
- 134. Histological and Cytological Study on Healing Process of Erosio Portionis by Lasersurgery
- 31p-R-3 Structure and Electronic Properties of Graphite Nanoparticles
- 330. DNA Synthesis in Heterokaryons Drived from Senescent and Young Human Fibroblasts
- A New Method in the Treatment of Vaginal Agenesis with Functioning Uterus
- 254. Studies on Pathogenesis of Hydatidiform Mole
- 33. (Abstract is not available)
- 397. Thyroid Hormones in Perinatal Period of Intrauterine Growth Retardation
- 74. Serum SP_1 and hCGβ-Subunit (hCGβ) Levels in Trophoblastic Disease
- Morphological Evaluation of Difference of Effects to Uterine Cancers between Derivates of 5 FU and Cyclophosphamide Administrated before Operation
- 274. Relationship between Human Term Placental PGDH Activities and Perinatal Factors
- 96. Development of Oxytocin Radioreceptor Assay and its Clinical Application
- 54. Indication of Therapeutic Conization to Early Cervical Cancer and Fertility after Treatment
- 108. Basic Studies on the Hypercoagulability of IUGR : Especially Changes of Prostacyclin and Platelet Factor 4
- 68. (Abstract is not available)
- 49. A Case of 46, XY Gonadal Dysgenesis (H-Y^-)
- 5. An Ultrastructural Study of Endothelial Cells of Placentae in Toxemia
- 291. Evaluation of the Value of Kininogen Relating to DIC in the Cases of Asphyxiated Newborns