Fetal Cardiorespiratory Responses to Maternal Administration of Nicardipine in the Awake Pregnant Goats
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1987-08-01
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., National Tsu Hosp., Mie
Matsuda Y
Dept. Biol. Fac. Sci. Kobe Univ.
Sakamoto H
Dept. Obst. Gynec., Sch. Med., Nihon Univ.
Ikenoue T
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Iitoh J
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Ibara S
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Matsuda J
Dept. Obst. Gynec., Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Hokanishi H
Dept. Obst. Gynec., Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Hokanishi H
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Ikenoue T
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kagoshima Munucipal Hosp.
Ikenoue T
Perinatal Med. Center Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Hokanishi H
Perinatal Med. Center Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Sakamoto H
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
- 38. Studies on the Localization of 6-keto-PGF_ and TXB_2 in the Placental Tissue
- 118. Metabolic Significance of Cyclic Nucleotides in the Environment for the Gorwth of Fetus (The Third Reptort) : Particularly, the Movement of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase in Serum of Pregnant Woman
- Control of Gametic Differentiation and Activity by Light in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- The Effects of Development of the CNS and Function on Fetal Movement as well as Cardiac Acceleration (ACC) and Deceleration (DCC)
- Abdominal Surface Potentials (ASP) in Mid to Late Pregnancy in Association with Uterine Contractile Activity
- 384. Metabolic Significance of Cyclic Nucleotides in the Environment for Fetal Growth : Effects of PGI_2-Like Substance on Fetal Platelet Function
- 110. A Study of Glycosylated Hemoglobin and Glycosylated Protein in Pregnancy
- 40. Glucose Oxidation and Insulin Binding in Isolated Adipocytes from Late Pregnant and Nonpregnant Rats
- 122. Analyses of Erythrocyte Insulin Receptors in Pregnancy
- 92. T_4, T_3, T_3 Resin Uptake, TBG and Free T_4 Levels for Thyroid Functions in Normal and Molar Pregnancy
- 228. Cyclic 3':5' Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase and Calcium-regulated Protein Modulator (Calmodulin) in Human Placenta
- 225. Metabolic Significance of C-AMP, C-GMP in the Environment for the Growth of Fetus, (the Second Report) : Particularly, Localization of these Nucleotides in Human Placental Tissue and Changes of Phosphodiesterase Activity
- A Study of Reflex Oxytocin Release in Normal Pregnant Women
- A Study of Umbilical Arterial Blood Flow and a Production of Prostanoids in the Vascular Tissues
- Effect of Uterotonic Hormones on a Myometrial Actomyocin Superprecipitation
- 32. The Allosteric Effect of Prostaglandins on the Oxytocin Receptor Activity in the Onset of Human Labor
- 285. Effects of Catechol Estrogens and Prostaglandin on Gonadotropin Secretion
- 74. Study of Oxytocin Receptor Dynamics on the Plasma Membrane of the Human Myometrium
- 298. Relationships of Electrolyte Balance and Mineralocorticoids in the Fetus and Neonates
- 102. Study of Oxytocin, Estradiol and Progesterone Receptors: their Gestational Change and Distribution in Myometrium
- 85. The Changes of Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity during Experimental Hypertension in Pregnant Rabbits
- 126. Influence of Uterine Contraction on Cervical Blood Flow in Late Pregnant Women
- 315. Estimation of the Fetoplacental Reservoir by Oxytocin Induced Uterine Contraction in Late Pregnancy
- 170. Various Feto-placental Function Tests and their Clinical Significance in Late Pregnancy
- 305. A Study of the Cerebral Blood Flow in Newborn Fetuses
- 114. Intrauterine Environment and Fetal Development in the Terminal Stage of Pregnancy : A Study with Emphasis on Intrauterine Pressure
- 141. Effect of Placental Proteins and Sex Steroid Hormones on Insulin Secretion
- Chloroplast Development in the Chloroplast Ribosome Deficient Mutant (y-1 ac-20) of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) in Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) Infants
- Effect of Graded Hypoxia on Fetal Breathing Electro-ocular, and Electro-cortical Activities in Sheep
- Fetal Cardiorespiratory Responses to Maternal Administration of Nicardipine in the Awake Pregnant Goats
- 367. Bacteriologic Assessment of Amniotic Fluid in the Management of Premature Labor with Intact Membranes
- 329. The Effect of Acute Hypoxemia on Fetal Heart Rate and Fetal Heart Rate Variability in Japanese Saanen Goat
- 315. A Review of High Risk Pregnancies in the Last 3 Years
- 100. A Study of PLA_2 Activity and PG Biosynthesis in Umbilical Vessels from Toxemic Pregnancy
- 105. Clinical Evaluation of Electrohysterographic (EHG) Topograms of the Human in Labor
- 31. A Study of Prostaglandin Biosynthesis in Amnions during Human Labor
- 316. Fetal Heart Rate Responses to Acute Non-Acidemic Hypoxemia
- Hematological Characteristics of Pregnant Blood and Localization of Thrombomodulin in Human Placental Villous Tissue
- Endothelium-derived Relaxation of Canine Uterine artery and Arachidonic Acid Metabolism
- 429. Studies on Protein C in Obstetrics
- 101. Studies of Oxytocin Receptor in Human Myometrium
- 73. Changes of Myometrial Ca^ -Mg^・ATPase and Myosin Light Chain Kinase Activities during Human Pregnancy
- Clinical Trial of Neoadjuvant (Preoperative) Combination Chemotherapy Contained CDDP on the Gynecological Malignancies
- 185. The Efficacy and Side Effects of Enhanced Chemotherapy Combined with Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB)
- 54. Changes of ADCC Activity, T-Cells Bearing Fc Receptor for IgG and T, B Lymphocyte Subpopulation in Human Pregnant Peripheral Blood
- 96. Development of Oxytocin Radioreceptor Assay and its Clinical Application
- 387. Changes in Fetal Catecholamines during Hypoxia and Recovery
- 49. A Case of 46, XY Gonadal Dysgenesis (H-Y^-)