31a JB-9 Proton and neutron correlation for 110MeV alpha induced reaction on ^<165>Ho
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1979-03-15
Sakai H.
Ejiri H.
Dept. Physics Osaka University
Maeda K.
Col.of Gen. Ed. Tohoku Univ.
Shibata T.
Dept.of Phys.Osaka Univ.
Okada K.
Dept. of Phys. Osaka Univ.
Dept. Phys. Osaka Univ.
Shimizu A.
RCNP,Osaka Univ.
Sakai H.
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Ejiri H.
Dept. Of Physics Osaka Univ.
Shimizu A.
Maeda K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Shibata T.
Dept. Physics Osaka University
Shibata T.
Okada K.
Dept. Physics Osaka University
Ejiri H.
Dept. Of Phys. Osaka Univ
Shibata T.
Dept. Of Physics Osaka Univ.
Maeda K.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Shibata T.
Dept. of Anat., Kanazawa Med. Univ.
- 27a-GE-10 Preequilibrium Process Studied by Using Particle-Gamma Coincidence Measurement
- 3a-KB-7 De-excitation Processes for (α,xnypγ) Reactions
- 3a-KB-6 α-n correlation measurement by (α,α') reactions
- 31a JB-9 Proton and neutron correlation for 110MeV alpha induced reaction on ^Ho
- 31a JB-8 Mechanism of ^Ho(α, charged particle xn γ) Reactions Studied by Particle-gamma Coincidence Measurements
- 31a JB-5 Angular Momentum Dissipation through ^Gd(α,xnγ)^Dy Reactions at E_α=70 MeV
- 28p-MB-7 Spin Alignment of the Ground State Rotational Levels Excited by Pre-equilibrium and Equilibrium (α, Xnγ) Reactions
- 28p-MB-5 Preequilibrium and equilibrium deexcitation processes in (^N, xnypγ) reactions on rare-earth nuclei
- 28-p-MB3 Energy Spectra and Angular Distributions of Light Praticles from the 109 MeV α-induced Reaction
- 1a-AG-12 Preequilibrium (α,α^2xnypγ) Reaction Mechanism at E_α=120-110 MeV
- 1a-AG-11 Preequilibrium Deexcitation Process in Dy (α,xn yp zαγ) and Yb(α,xn yp zαγ) Reactions
- 1a-AG-10 Spin Populations and Gamma-ray Multiplicities by preequilibrium (α,xnypzαγ) Reactions and Angular Momentum Transfers
- 1a-AG-8 The ^Dy(α,xnγ)Er Reactions Induced by 120 MeV Alpha Particles
- 10p-YA-10 Pre-equilibrium and Equilirium (i,xn,yp,γ) Reaction Process by an Exciton Model and the K isomer ratio in ^Hf
- 10p-YA-9 Pre-equilibrium and Equilirium Deexcitation Processes II : The ^Ho(p,xn,yp,γ) Reaction Induced by 60 MeV Proton
- 10p-YA-7 Pre-equilibrium and Equilibrium Deexcitation Processes I : The Dy(α, xnγ) Er Reaction Induced by 90MeV alpha particlesα
- 10p-YA-6 Gamma-ray Multiplicites in Dy(α,xnγ) Er Raction
- Form of Efficient Water Cycle by Introducing of Wastewater Treatment for Reuse in Arid And Semi-Arid Lands
- 128 Clinical evaluation of subrenal capsule assay (SRC) in ovarian cancer.
- 3a-KB-10 Pion Absorption by Nuclei at Reat
- 3a-KB-9 Pion Absorption by Nuclet
- 30p-EC-13 Double Beta Decay Experiment at the Kamioka Underground Laboratory
- 3p-BF-10 Penetration of atomic electrons into a nucleus
- 3a-FF-13 In-beam e-γ spectroscopy by means of AGNES
- 3p-KB-10 Effective Coupling Constants for Eltransitions in in A〜90 Nuclei.
- 2p-KD-7 Achromatic Geminate Nuclear Electro Separator (AGNES)
- 28p-MB-6 Complete Fusion Process for (Particle, XNγ) Reaction
- 1a-AG-9 Projectile Dependence of K-Isomer Ratios in the Re(p,xnγ)^Os and W(He,xn γ)^Os Reactions
- 10p-YA-11 Gamma deexcitation mechanism of rare-earth compound nuclei produced in ^3He and α induced reactions
- 3a-FB-3 M2 and E3 transitions in ^Pm and Ml transition in N=82 nuclei
- 11a-KB-6 Gamma Decay of the LEOR in the Deformed Nucleus, ^Sm
- 451 Studies on relation between fetal heart rate rise and duration of fetal movement with ultrasonic Doppler actocardiograph.
- 336. Influence of Posture on Maternal and Fetoplacental Circulation during Late Pregnancy
- 129 Serial ultrasonic examinations on ovarian tumors in pregnant women.
- 9a-YA-8 Effective Coupling Constant for the M2 transition from the h11/2 to the g7/2 state in ^Sb
- 13a-A-1 Spin Alignment of the Ground Band Levels in Nd and Sm Isotopes Excited in (α,2nγ) Reactions
- 450 Evaluation of true non reactive pattern by actocardiogram.
- 433 Periodic Fetal Respiratory Movement accompanied with sinusoidal FHR pattern by Fetal Actocardiogram.
- 185 Measurement of time lag of fetal movement and transient fetal heart rate rise by ultrasonic Dopplar actcardiogram.
- 162. Relationship between Fetal Breathing Movement, Fetal Gross Movement and Automated FHR Analysis
- 233.Studies on Fetal Weight Estimated by the Size of Fetal Abdomen Detected in Ultrasonic Biometry Assisted with Microcomputer System : XXXIX ME(II)
- 217.Estimation of Gestational Age by Ultrasonic Measurement in the 2nd and 3rd Trimesters : XXXVII Fetus and Neonate(VI)
- 211. Continuous Monitoring of Pco2 and Po2 in Extra-fetal Membrane Space Studied by Gas-spectrometer
- 203. A Study on the Measurement of Intrauterine Pressure by the Application of External Tocodynamometric Transducer
- 137. Biochemical and Clinical Studies on SPI(β_1-SP_1-glycoprotein) and SP3(α_2-AP-glycoprotein)
- 363 The relationship between pregnancy induced hypertension and fibronectin levels of maternal plasma.
- 4a-BF-4 ^C(p^^→, n^^→)^N Spin-Transfer Measuremnt at 0°
- 1a-AG-7 Lifetimes of Ground-Band States in ^Pt
- Stimulated homologous recombination in Arabidopsis Thaliana by the rDNA non-transcribed spacer integrated on the genome
- 67. Fetal Actocardiogram and Fetal Behaviour in the First Half of Pregnancy
- 527. Computer Analysis of Actocardiographic Fetal Movement Signals
- 88. The Quantification of Ultrasonic B-mode Images in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 240. Evaluation of Fetal Movement Burst and its Correlation to Transient Fetal Heart Rate Rise in Normal Fetuses and IUGR
- 239. Studies on the Standardization of
- 202. Studies on Maternal Delivery Position for Fetal Environment
- 322. The Studies on Neonatal Heart Rate and Behaviors
- 318. Fetal-neonatal Heart Rate Changes and the Umbilical Cord Arterial Acid-base Balance
- 217. Studies on Fetal Movement Recorded on Chart with New Continuous Wave (CW) Doppler Method
- 209. Studies on Periodic Changes of Fetal and Neonatal Heart Rate
- 206. Studies on FHR Tracings Recorded by the Abdominal Lead FECG Signal
- 71.Studies on FHR Baseline Variability in the Cases of EPH Gestosis : XII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(III)
- 238.Studies on the Sinusoidal Pattern with Tentative Criteria and Sinusoidal Pattern Index : XXXX ME(III)
- 237.Studies on the Periodic Change of Fetal Heart Rate : XXXX ME(III)
- 449 Effect of pulsed ultrasound irradiation on preimplantation mouse embryo development.
- 462 The effect of protein supplement on mouse in vitro fertilization and embryo development.
- 71. Studies on LH-RH Test, Premarin Test and Clomid Test with Respect to Abnormal Electroencephalographic Finding in Anovulatory Women
- 327. Studies on the Increment of Radiation Suppressive Effect in Cervical Carcinoma Chemotherapy
- 193. Reduction of mucosubstances during cysteamine-induced duodenal ulceration as revealed by color image analyzer.
- 67. Color Image Analysis of the Mucosal Micro-Circulation of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract.
- 106. Diagnosis of Luteinized Unruptured Follicle by Ultrasonographic Follicle Monitoring
- 28. SEM Observation of Cyclic Change of the Epithelium in the Mouse Fallopian Tube
- 142. Overall Evaluation of Ultrasonic Oocyte Collection for IVF-ET : Comparative Study of IVF-ET Results by Five Types of Probe
- 109. Potassium Concentration in the Culture Medium for Human in-vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
- 408. Evaluation of Ultrasonically Guided Transvesical Follicular Aspiration for Oocyte Collection of in vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
- 406. Ultrasonic Echo Histographic Diagnosis of Intraovarian Cystic Pattern in Peri-ovulatory Phase
- PHOSPHORYLATION AND DEPHOSPHORYLATION OF COFILIN IN CULTURED FIBROBLASTIC CELLS.(Biochemistry)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- 30p-ZA-2 Double Beta Decay of ^Cd
- 4a-SF-13 Gamma-ray multiplicities observed in the ^Dy(α,Xn) reaction at E_α=50 MeV
- 196 Doppler studies of fetal renal artery flow waveform and its relation to fetal weight, amniotic volume and fetal urine production.
- 371. Studies on the Arterial Uterine Blood Flow and Maternal Heart Rate during Labor
- 22aXA-7 Restructuring in doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon films by electron beam irradiation
- Neuropathological examination of the brain in an autopsy case of hereditary ceruloplasmin deficiency
- 139.Studies on the Indication of Conization for the Diagnosis of Cervical Malignancy : XXIV Malignant Tumor(IV)
- 231. Study on the Mechanism of the Action of PGE_1 Analogue Suppository for the Termination of Pregnancy at Early Stage
- 229. New Approach of Bilateral Tubal Coagulation under Laparoscopy by Newly Developed Bipolar Coagulation Forceps
- 238. The Basic and Clinical Studies on the Termination of early Pregnancy by the Vaginal Administration of 16,16 Dimethyl Trans Δ^2PG E_1 Methyl Ester
- 235. Estimated Mechanism in the Onset of Labor Studied by the Change of Main Urinary Metabolite of PG F_ Excretion During Perinatal Stage
- 102 Peroxidase Activity in the Sublingual Gland of Rat Fetus and Newborn.
- Peroxidase Activity in the Sublingual Gland of Rat Fetus and Newborn.
- 30p-A-14 Conversion electrons for M2 and E3 transition's in N≈82 nuclei studied by inbeam e-γ spectroscopy
- 415 Placental transfer of ritodrine and its effect on woman and neonate.
- 84 Studies on the mechanism of antiestrogen effects of gestrinone.
- 239.Studies on Correlation between Parameters of Automated Analysis of FHR and Umbilical Cord Blood Gas Analysis : XXXX ME(III)
- 3a-H-10 The Isovector and Isoscalar M2 Transitions in Medium-Heavy Nuclei.
- 1a-ZQ-11 Search for Exotic Nuclear Transitions Associated with Nuclear Instability.
- 6a-U-11 Effective M2 and E3 Transition Moments for Ihll/2 Single Proton States
- 19a-B-7 Unique First Forbidden β-decay and Spin-Iso-spin polarization
- Proton particle neutron hole states in 209Pb populated in μ-meson capture reaction A comment on core polarization (「ベータ崩壊とその周辺」研究会報告)