4a-BF-4 ^<12>C(p^^→, n^^→)^<12>N Spin-Transfer Measuremnt at 0°
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1984-03-12
RCNP, Osaka University
Motobayashi T.
Dept. Phys. Osaka Univ.
Sakai H.
Shibata T.
Dept.of Phys.Osaka Univ.
Shimizu A.
Ieiri M.
Dept. Phys. Kyoto Univ.
Shibata T.
Dept. Physics Osaka University
Matsuoka N.
Saito T.
Imai K.
Dept. Phys. Kyoto Univ.
Motobayashi T.
Dept. Of Phys. Osaka Univ
Shibata T.
Imai K.
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
- Isospin Symmetry in the Structure Study of Unstable Nuclei
- Isospin Symmetry in the Structure Study of Unstable Nuclei
- 27a-GE-10 Preequilibrium Process Studied by Using Particle-Gamma Coincidence Measurement
- 3a-KB-7 De-excitation Processes for (α,xnypγ) Reactions
- 3a-KB-6 α-n correlation measurement by (α,α') reactions
- 31a JB-9 Proton and neutron correlation for 110MeV alpha induced reaction on ^Ho
- 31a JB-8 Mechanism of ^Ho(α, charged particle xn γ) Reactions Studied by Particle-gamma Coincidence Measurements
- 31a JB-5 Angular Momentum Dissipation through ^Gd(α,xnγ)^Dy Reactions at E_α=70 MeV
- 28p-MB-7 Spin Alignment of the Ground State Rotational Levels Excited by Pre-equilibrium and Equilibrium (α, Xnγ) Reactions
- 28p-MB-5 Preequilibrium and equilibrium deexcitation processes in (^N, xnypγ) reactions on rare-earth nuclei
- 28-p-MB3 Energy Spectra and Angular Distributions of Light Praticles from the 109 MeV α-induced Reaction
- 1a-AG-12 Preequilibrium (α,α^2xnypγ) Reaction Mechanism at E_α=120-110 MeV
- 1a-AG-11 Preequilibrium Deexcitation Process in Dy (α,xn yp zαγ) and Yb(α,xn yp zαγ) Reactions
- 1a-AG-10 Spin Populations and Gamma-ray Multiplicities by preequilibrium (α,xnypzαγ) Reactions and Angular Momentum Transfers
- 1a-AG-8 The ^Dy(α,xnγ)Er Reactions Induced by 120 MeV Alpha Particles
- 10p-YA-10 Pre-equilibrium and Equilirium (i,xn,yp,γ) Reaction Process by an Exciton Model and the K isomer ratio in ^Hf
- 10p-YA-9 Pre-equilibrium and Equilirium Deexcitation Processes II : The ^Ho(p,xn,yp,γ) Reaction Induced by 60 MeV Proton
- 10p-YA-7 Pre-equilibrium and Equilibrium Deexcitation Processes I : The Dy(α, xnγ) Er Reaction Induced by 90MeV alpha particlesα
- 10p-YA-6 Gamma-ray Multiplicites in Dy(α,xnγ) Er Raction
- Form of Efficient Water Cycle by Introducing of Wastewater Treatment for Reuse in Arid And Semi-Arid Lands
- 3a-KB-10 Pion Absorption by Nuclei at Reat
- 3a-KB-9 Pion Absorption by Nuclet
- 30p-EC-13 Double Beta Decay Experiment at the Kamioka Underground Laboratory
- 3a-FF-13 In-beam e-γ spectroscopy by means of AGNES
- 3p-KB-10 Effective Coupling Constants for Eltransitions in in A〜90 Nuclei.
- 2p-KD-7 Achromatic Geminate Nuclear Electro Separator (AGNES)
- 28p-MB-6 Complete Fusion Process for (Particle, XNγ) Reaction
- 1a-AG-9 Projectile Dependence of K-Isomer Ratios in the Re(p,xnγ)^Os and W(He,xn γ)^Os Reactions
- 26aGK-5 ^2H(p^^→,n)分解反応測定を用いた170MeVにおける三体力効果の考察(26aGK 宇宙核物理・軽イオン,実験核物理領域)
- 9a-YA-8 Effective Coupling Constant for the M2 transition from the h11/2 to the g7/2 state in ^Sb
- 13a-A-1 Spin Alignment of the Ground Band Levels in Nd and Sm Isotopes Excited in (α,2nγ) Reactions
- 4a-BF-4 ^C(p^^→, n^^→)^N Spin-Transfer Measuremnt at 0°
- A THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF HUMAN ADULT HEMOGLOBIN OXYGEN AFFINITY FOR TISSUE OXYGEN SUPPLY AT NORMOXIA(Physiology)(Proceedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 538 Inhibitory effect of IL-1 on in vitro decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells.
- 232 Effect of peripheral blood lymphocytes on progesterone production by cultured human granulosa luteal cells.
- 4a-SF-13 Gamma-ray multiplicities observed in the ^Dy(α,Xn) reaction at E_α=50 MeV
- 527 Increased expression of c-myc protooncogene in periperal lymphocytes in patients with preeclampsia.
- 486 Pregnant sera induce selective granulocytic differentiaton of HL60 cells.
- 217 Flow cytometric detection of activated lymphocytes using monoclonal antibodies which recognize c-myc oncoprotein.
- 106. Oncogene Expression of Various Gynecological Diseases
- 89.IgG and LgM Circulating Immune Complexes of Gynecologic Malignancies : XV Immunology and Infection
- 114.Circulating Immune Complexes in Toxemia of Pregnancy : XIX Immunology(IV)
- 102 Peroxidase Activity in the Sublingual Gland of Rat Fetus and Newborn.
- Peroxidase Activity in the Sublingual Gland of Rat Fetus and Newborn.
- THE ROLE OF β CATENIN IN ENDODERM CELL DIFFERENTIATION IN ASCIDIAN EMBRIOS(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)