220 Immunological studies in endometriosis patients.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1990-08-01
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Minaguchi H.
Yokohama City University School Of Medicine Yokohama And Japan Association Of Obstetricians And Gyne
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynecol. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Ishikawa M.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Onose R.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Gorai I.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Ando N.
Dept. of Obst. and Gynec., Yokohama City Univ. Shool of Med.
Hirabuki T.
Dept. of Obst. and Gynec., Yokohama City Univ. Shool of Med.
Onose R.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Of Obst. And Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Shool Of Med.
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Univ. Of Tokyo Sch. Med.
Hirabuki T.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Gorai I.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Yokohama City University School Of Medicine.
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Sch. Med. Yokohama City Univ.
Minakuchi H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Ishikawa M.
Dept. And Obst. Gynec. Asahikawa Med. College.
Hirahara F.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
- 228 Diurnal and nocturnal secretion patterns of luteinizing hormonein women with hypothalamic 2nd Grade amenorrhea.
- 151 Gene expression of nerve growth factor in the human placenta using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).
- 92 Detection of GnRH mRNA in the pregnant rat uterus.
- 283 Gene expression of GnRH in the rat gonads.
- 51. Effects of Various Hormones on Osteoporosis in Ovariectomised Rats
- 41. Effects of Chronic Administration of Gn-RH Analog to the Pituitary and the Ovary
- 40. Effects of Estradiol(E_2), Dopamine(DA)-agonist and -antagonist on Hypothalamo-anterior Pituitary Dopaminergic System in Rat
- 444. A Study on LH Release and Desensitization Using a Superfusion System with Beads Attached Pituitary Cells
- 438. Gene Expression of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone in the Rat Hypothalamus
- 108. Effect of Progesterone on the Maturation of Rat Oocyte
- 59. Extraction and Purification of Human Placental Nerve ,Growth Factor Using the Technique of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- 34. The Endocrinological Study on Osteoporosis Following Castration
- 31. Effects of Danazol, Buserelin or Gestrinone on Plasma Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels in Women with Endometriosis
- 407. The Determination of the Timing to Aspirate Follicules by Serum Levels of Sexual Hormones in in vitro Fertilization
- 301. Physiological Role of GnRH Like Substance in the Ovary
- 294. Direct Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (Gn-RH) on Steroidogenesis of Cultured Human Granulosa Cells
- 381. Pulsatile LHRH Treatment in Anovulatory Women : Differences between SC Application and IV Application
- 193. Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) on Cyclic AMP Accumulation in Cultured Rat Granulosa Cells
- 191. Direct Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) on Steroidogenesis of Cultured Granulosa Cells
- 116. Production of Monoclonal Anti-LHRH Antibody
- Birth defect monitoring in Japan : THE PRESENT STATE OF CONGENITAL ANOMALIES IN ASIA : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- 22 Establishment and characterization of a new mixed mesodermaal tumor cell lines of human uterus.
- 506 Endometrial antibodies in serum and peritoneal fluid of endometriosis patients.
- 329 Effects of ovarian function on bone mineral contents and parameters related to calcium metabolism.
- 302 Characterization of three human ovarian cell carcinoma (OVISE) lines.
- 106 Establishment and characterization of human clear cell carcinoma cell line (OVISE).
- 53 The change of gonadotropin-releacing hormone (GmRH) gene expression after gonadotropin stimulation in the rat ovary.
- 319 EGF promotes the growth of mouse uterus and vagina in vivo.
- 248 Regulation of LH-βmessenger ribonucleic acid during gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) treatment in the immature female rat.
- 186 Studies of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) mRNA in human placenta using oligo DNA probe.
- 8 An Immunohistochemical Study on Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes in Cervical Neoplasms.
- 150 Significance of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the perinatal period.
- 324 Immunological studies on habitual aborters with prolactin disorders.
- 220 Immunological studies in endometriosis patients.
- 192. Partial Isolation of Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone (GnRH) Like Substance from Porcine Ovary
- 41.The Mechanism Regulating the GnRH Binding Capacities in the Ovary : VII Endocrinology(I)
- 157.The Clinical Effects of Non-amphetamine Appetite Suppressant on Obese Women with Menstrual and Ovulatory Disturbances : XXVII Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(III)
- 241. Direct Effects of Gn-RH on 20α-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (20α-HSD) Activity in the Rat Granulosa Cells
- 282. The Effects of, Bromocriptine on Normoprolactinemic Women with Corpus Luteum Insufficiency Judging from the Luteal Index
- 67. Effects of Sex Steroids on Anterior Pituitary LH-RH Receptor
- 136. Hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal Axis in Anovulatory Women with Hyperprolactinemia
- 252 Examination of steroidogenesis modulating by GnRH by the Ca^ and phospholipid-dependent PK-C pathway in rat ovarian granulosa cells.
- 276 Effects of GnRH on protein kinase C (PK-C) activity of the ovarian granulosa cells.
- 207. Growth Factor in Fetal Tissue
- 149.Studies on the Local Therapy of Early Cervical Cancer with Suppositories of Anticancer Drugs : XXV Malignant Tumor(V)
- ESTABLISHMENT OF A METHOD FOR ESTIMATING THE NUMBER OF MITOTIC DIVISIONS IN FISH TESTES(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- O-57 Fetal exposure to endocrine disruptors in Japanese pregnant women
- 403 Clinical applicaton of the direct assay system for the measurement of sex steroid hormones in serum using high-performance liquid chromatography (DHAS-loading test).
- 288. Automated Direct Assay of Sex Steroids in Serum Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- 49. Ultrastructural Observation of the Cytoplasmic Processes of the Cumular Granulosa Cells in the Rat Ovary : Especially Focused on the Localization of Prolactin
- 102 Efficacy of intermittent CDDP administration as maintenance chemotherpay for ovarian cancer.
- 304. The Management of Patients with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Using Continuous Lumbar Epidural Anesthesia
- 61 ^P-NMR Spectroscopy stydy of the energy metabolism of perfused rabbit ovary in ovulation.
- 503 Concentration of Mn-SOD and Cu, Zn-SOD in peritoneal fluids of patients with endometriosis.
- 260 The role Cu, Zn- and Mn-SOD in the rat and human ovary.
- 80 Effect of platelet activating factor on human spermatozoa penetration assay and the acrosome reaction.
- 346 The Role of SOD on Mechanism of Ovulation.
- 139 The evaluation of Gonadotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs (VP-16, MTX, Act-D).
- 477 Effect of platelet activating factor on in vitro fertilization and embryonic development in mice.
- 473 Effect of human amniotic fluid with glycerol or propanediol on quick freezing of mouse embryos.
- 51 Gonadotoxicity of anti-neoplastic drugs.
- 32 Effect of platelet activating factor on capacitation and the acrosomereaction in mouse sperm.
- 272 The role of platelet activating factor in ovulation.
- 215. Intercellular pH in Fertilization of Hamster Eggs Analyzed by Microelectrode Method
- 106. Effects of Cryoprotectants and Sucrose Dilution on the Survival of Unfertilized and Fertilized Mouse Eggs after Freezing and Thawing
- 105. Gonadotropin Effects on Chromosomal Normality of Hamster Preimplantation Embryos
- 149. Assessment of Fallopian Tubal Patency by Ultrasound
- 291. Assessment of Basal Body Temperature for Ovulation Detection by Ultrasound
- 160. Mechanism of the Onset of Labor after Rupture of Membranes : Role of Myometrial and Decidual Prostaglandin Production
- 231.Assessment of Follicular Development and Peritoneal Fluid during the Periovulatory Period by Ultrasound : XXXIX ME(II)
- 48.Sythesis and Release of Prostaglandin F by Rabbit Preimplantation Blastocyst : IX Phisiology and Pathology of Sexual Organs(IV)
- 95. Changes in FHR-variability during Labor
- 421. Effects of Indomethacin, Prosta-glandin E_2, Prostaglandin F_ and 6-keto-prostaglandin F_ on Hatching of Mouse Blastocysts
- 166. Laser Therapy for Benign Cervical Diseases
- 63 Study of energy metabolism in ovulation period by ^P-NMR spectroscopy in perfused rabbit ovary.
- 42.Changes of Prolactin Binding Sites in Adrenals, Kidneys, Lungs and Livers of Female Rats during Sexual Maturation : VII Endocrinology(I)
- 302 Role of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase in Ovarian Carcinoma.
- 303 Immunohistochemical evaluation of ras oncogene product p21 in human endometrial lesions.
- 278 Influence of Prolactin (PRL) on lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in rat fetal liver.
- 297. Cellular Signal Transduction in Rat Granulosa Cell
- 273. Changes of Anterior Pituitary Dopaminergic Receptors and Hypothalamic Dopamine in Rats with Estrogen-induced Pituitary Tumor
- 8.Studies on the Direct Effect of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone on the Ovary : II Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(II)
- 7.Autoradiographic Study of the Localization of LH/HCG Receptors and GnRH Receptors in the Ovary of Immature Rats : II Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(II)
- 489. Immuno-responsive and Reproductive Influences of MHC (H-2) on Allogeneic (Class?and/or Class II MHC Different) Pregnancy in Congenic Mice
- 103 Blood coagulation and Spontaneous Abortion in Mice.
- 444 In-vitro prostaglandin release from isolated endometrial epithelial and stromal cells from rabbits of preimplantation period.
- 145 Study of the levels of new tumor marker, Basic fetoprotein (BFP) in comparison with that of CA125, CA19-9 and SLX in the gynecological disease.
- 130 Antithrombin-III and Spontaneous Abortion with Unknown Etiology in Mice.
- 385 The expression of P-glycoprotein on the surface of anticancer drugs resistance cell lines.
- 102 Radiation sensitivity and immunohistochemical localigation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in gynecologic cancer.
- 248. The Role of Prostanoids on the Oocyte Maturation in Human Preovulatory Follicles
- 386. Ultrastructural Study of Squirrel Monkey Oocytes Inseminated in vitro
- 325.Maturation and Maturation Factors (Follicle Size, Cumulus Cells) of Follicular Oocytes of the Squirrel Monkey : XXXXXV Sterility and Family Planning(II)
- 373. Nipple Stimulation Contraction Stress Test: Clinical Usefulness and the Absence of the Change of Plasma Oxytocin Levels
- 247 The biological effect of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) on decidual cells.
- 511 The measurement of bone mineral content by Dual enery X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).
- 236.Studies on Changes of Fetal Heart Rate during Pregnancy : XXXX ME(III)
- IS-13 Comparison of markers for bone formation and resorption during GnRH agonists (GnRHa) treatment