67. Effects of Sex Steroids on Anterior Pituitary LH-RH Receptor
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1978-11-01
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Taga M.
Dept. Obst. and Gynecol., Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Sakamoto S.
Dept. Rad. Biol. , RIRBM, Hiroshima Univ.
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Univ. Of Tokyo Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., univ. of Tokyo Sch. Med.
Minaguchi H.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Sch. Med. Yokohama City Univ.
Kigawa T.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Univ. Of Tokyo Sch. Med.
Taga M.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Univ. Of Tokyo Sch. Med.
Sakamoto S.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Univ Of Tokyo Sch. Med.
- 228 Diurnal and nocturnal secretion patterns of luteinizing hormonein women with hypothalamic 2nd Grade amenorrhea.
- 151 Gene expression of nerve growth factor in the human placenta using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).
- 92 Detection of GnRH mRNA in the pregnant rat uterus.
- 283 Gene expression of GnRH in the rat gonads.
- 51. Effects of Various Hormones on Osteoporosis in Ovariectomised Rats
- 41. Effects of Chronic Administration of Gn-RH Analog to the Pituitary and the Ovary
- 40. Effects of Estradiol(E_2), Dopamine(DA)-agonist and -antagonist on Hypothalamo-anterior Pituitary Dopaminergic System in Rat
- 444. A Study on LH Release and Desensitization Using a Superfusion System with Beads Attached Pituitary Cells
- 438. Gene Expression of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone in the Rat Hypothalamus
- 108. Effect of Progesterone on the Maturation of Rat Oocyte
- 59. Extraction and Purification of Human Placental Nerve ,Growth Factor Using the Technique of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- 34. The Endocrinological Study on Osteoporosis Following Castration
- 31. Effects of Danazol, Buserelin or Gestrinone on Plasma Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels in Women with Endometriosis
- 407. The Determination of the Timing to Aspirate Follicules by Serum Levels of Sexual Hormones in in vitro Fertilization
- 301. Physiological Role of GnRH Like Substance in the Ovary
- 294. Direct Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (Gn-RH) on Steroidogenesis of Cultured Human Granulosa Cells
- 381. Pulsatile LHRH Treatment in Anovulatory Women : Differences between SC Application and IV Application
- 193. Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) on Cyclic AMP Accumulation in Cultured Rat Granulosa Cells
- 191. Direct Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) on Steroidogenesis of Cultured Granulosa Cells
- 116. Production of Monoclonal Anti-LHRH Antibody
- Birth defect monitoring in Japan : THE PRESENT STATE OF CONGENITAL ANOMALIES IN ASIA : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- 22 Establishment and characterization of a new mixed mesodermaal tumor cell lines of human uterus.
- 506 Endometrial antibodies in serum and peritoneal fluid of endometriosis patients.
- 329 Effects of ovarian function on bone mineral contents and parameters related to calcium metabolism.
- 302 Characterization of three human ovarian cell carcinoma (OVISE) lines.
- 106 Establishment and characterization of human clear cell carcinoma cell line (OVISE).
- 53 The change of gonadotropin-releacing hormone (GmRH) gene expression after gonadotropin stimulation in the rat ovary.
- 319 EGF promotes the growth of mouse uterus and vagina in vivo.
- 248 Regulation of LH-βmessenger ribonucleic acid during gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) treatment in the immature female rat.
- 186 Studies of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) mRNA in human placenta using oligo DNA probe.
- 8 An Immunohistochemical Study on Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes in Cervical Neoplasms.
- 150 Significance of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the perinatal period.
- 324 Immunological studies on habitual aborters with prolactin disorders.
- 220 Immunological studies in endometriosis patients.
- 192. Partial Isolation of Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone (GnRH) Like Substance from Porcine Ovary
- 41.The Mechanism Regulating the GnRH Binding Capacities in the Ovary : VII Endocrinology(I)
- 157.The Clinical Effects of Non-amphetamine Appetite Suppressant on Obese Women with Menstrual and Ovulatory Disturbances : XXVII Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(III)
- 241. Direct Effects of Gn-RH on 20α-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (20α-HSD) Activity in the Rat Granulosa Cells
- 282. The Effects of, Bromocriptine on Normoprolactinemic Women with Corpus Luteum Insufficiency Judging from the Luteal Index
- Gene locus of Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and the biological similarity to Ataxia-telangiectasia.
- 67. Effects of Sex Steroids on Anterior Pituitary LH-RH Receptor
- 136. Hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal Axis in Anovulatory Women with Hyperprolactinemia
- 252 Examination of steroidogenesis modulating by GnRH by the Ca^ and phospholipid-dependent PK-C pathway in rat ovarian granulosa cells.
- 276 Effects of GnRH on protein kinase C (PK-C) activity of the ovarian granulosa cells.
- 40 Perinatal management of patients with hemodialysis.
- 207. Growth Factor in Fetal Tissue
- 149.Studies on the Local Therapy of Early Cervical Cancer with Suppositories of Anticancer Drugs : XXV Malignant Tumor(V)
- 419.Molecularepidemiological Studies on Genital Herpes : XXXXXXXI Infectious Disease(I)
- 332. Antitumor Effects of Human α-2 Interferon on Xenografted Chemoresistent Choriocarcinoma
- 376. Vascular Pattern of the Ovary with Special Referrence to the Three-dimensional Architecture of Ovarian Artery
- 337. Effects of Sitting Position on Uterine Activity during Labor
- 266. Effect of.Fosfomycin Administration on Nephrotoxicity, of Cisdiamminedichloro-platinum (CDDP) Estimated by Urinary N-Acetyl-β-D-Glucosaminidase (NAG)
- 284. Effect of Porcine Follicular Fluid on Estrogen Synthesis by Rat Granulosa Cells Cultured in vitro
- 184. Dopaminergic Mechanism as the One of the Pathogenesis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome(PCO)
- 164. Role of Steroid Metabolism in Human Fetal Membrane in Onset of Labor
- 94. Co-relation between the Nocturnal Prolactin Surge and the Prolactin Secreting Capacity in Euprolactinemic Ovulatory Disturbances in Women
- 54.Clinical Studies of Maternal Positions during Labor and Birth : X Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(I)
- 432 Involvement of thrombin and cyclic AMP in the regulation of coagulation and fibrinolysis system of human trophoblasts.
- 73 Significance of Measurement of Molecular Markers of Endethelial Cells in PIH.
- 320. Studies on the Role of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Toxemia of Pregnancy
- 131.Detection of Human Papillomavirus 6 DNA Sequences in Condylomata Acuminata : XXII Malignant Tumor(II)
- 278 Influence of Prolactin (PRL) on lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in rat fetal liver.
- 297. Cellular Signal Transduction in Rat Granulosa Cell
- 36 Purification and characterization of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein in human amniotic fluid using monoclonal antibodies.
- 250 The study on biological roles of growth factors in cultured human trophoblast cells.
- 460. Analysis of Anovulatory Patients with Hyperandrogenemia
- 273. Changes of Anterior Pituitary Dopaminergic Receptors and Hypothalamic Dopamine in Rats with Estrogen-induced Pituitary Tumor
- 8.Studies on the Direct Effect of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone on the Ovary : II Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(II)
- 7.Autoradiographic Study of the Localization of LH/HCG Receptors and GnRH Receptors in the Ovary of Immature Rats : II Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(II)
- 63. Clinical and Virological Studies on Female Genital Herpes
- 74 The localization of tenascin in the human uterus.
- 96. Localization of LHRH in the Hypothalamus of Human Fetus
- 118. Immunosuppressive Factor(s) Present in Crude Preparation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
- 65. Induction of Ovulation with PMS-HCG and Intrafollicular Overripeness of Ova
- 187. Influence of Insulin-like Growth Factor I and II on the Fetal Development
- 186. Significance of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in the Fetal Development
- 286 "Treatment and prevention of pulmonary thromboembolism occuring during pregnancy."
- 87. Inhibition of the Synthesis of Decidual Prolactin by Arachidonic Acid
- 101. Ultrasonic Observation of Human Ovulation Correlated with LH Surge
- 31. Analysis of Glycopeptides of Cell Membrane in Human Ovarian and Trophoblastic Tumor
- 182. Mechanism of PG Biosynthesis in Ovulation
- 16. Factors of Microcirculation in Fetus in Pre-eclampsia
- 333.Analysis of Energy Metabolism in the Human Endometrium : XXXXXVI Sterility and Family Planning(III)
- 327.Effects of HCG. Estradiol and Progesterone on Mouse Oocyte Maturation in vitro : XXXXXV Sterility and Family Planning(II)
- 175.Biosynthesis of Progesterone in the Placental Villi throughout Pregnancy in Organ Culture : XXX Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(VI)
- 13.The Regulation of Prostaglandin F_ Release from the Pseudopregnant Rabbit Uterus in Luteolysis : III Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(III)
- 103. Changes in the Concentrations of Reverse Triiodothyronine in the Blood in Mothers and Fetuses during Pregnancy and Labor
- 262. Significance of Somatostatin in the Fetus
- 56.Role and Effect of Ca^ in Mouse in vitro Fertilization : IX Sterility Family Planning
- 166. Urinary Plasmin Activity in Normal and Toxemia of Pregnancy during Labour and Parturition
- 119. Active Transport Mechanism of Calcium in the Human Placenta : Calcium Binding Proteins
- 83. Luteolytic Effect of Endogenous PG F_ on Pseudopregnant Rabbit
- 237. Physiological Role of Prostaglandin F_ in Labor and Puerperium
- 208. Urinary Plasmin Levels in Toxemia of Pregnancy
- 96.Utilization of Blood Cell Separator for the Treatment of Obstetrical and Gynecological Disorders : XVI Hematology and Surgery
- 247 The biological effect of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) on decidual cells.
- 511 The measurement of bone mineral content by Dual enery X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).
- 236.Studies on Changes of Fetal Heart Rate during Pregnancy : XXXX ME(III)
- IS-13 Comparison of markers for bone formation and resorption during GnRH agonists (GnRHa) treatment