- 論文の詳細を見る
Fertilization is the process including many events such as maturation of egg and sperm, attachment, binding, acrosomal reaction, penetration, fusion, cortical reaction, zona reaction and nuclear fusion of both gamete, whereby individual gametes from the female and male unite to create offspring. Although the reason for mechanism of fertilization is still not clearly understood, this process may accelerate the rate adaptation in evolution. In this special lecture, I would like to present our experimental and clinical results especially concerning with morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular aproach on the mechanism of fertilization. 1. Development and maturation of follicles and oocytes. It is well known that pituitary FSH, LH control the ovarian function. Follicular development and ovum maturation are also controlled by both pituitary gonadotropins and local factors such as autocrine and paracrine agents. When hMG is injected during 1-6 day of menstrual cycle, several dominant follicles are developed. If hMG is injected after selection of dominant follicles, only one dominant follicle develop in the ovary. When PMS-treated immature rats were injected with immature or mature follicle fluids, rats injected with mature follicular fluid showed strongly suppress in the ovarian weights and numbers of ovulated follicles. Also mature follicle suppress aromatization from and androstenedione to estradiol. These findings mean that mature follicular fluid contains inhibitory factors. Apoptosis of granulosa cells and follicular steroids are related to fertilization. 2. Intracellular calcium of oocyte. Intracellular calcium concentration is known to start to increase in a periodic manner after fertilization in oocytes of mammalians. In 65% of tested mouse oocytes, fertilization occurred during 4 hours observation after sperm insemination in vitro. An initial long lasting intracellular calcium concentration was observed and followed by periodic manner. This calcium oscillation is inhibited by calcium blockers such as verpamil and nifedipine, but increased by high concentration of extracellular calcium concentration in the medium. Role of increase of intracellular calcium are understood to prevent polysperm and activate metabolism of oocytes. 3. Glucose metabolism of oocytes. Mouse embryo utilizes pyruvate as an essential nutrient until the 8-cell stage, and glucose thereafter. We have devised non-radiometrie and enzymatic microassay method to measure glucose, deoxyglucose, deoxyglucose 6-phosphate incorporated into individual mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryo. In parallel, the activities of several enzymes of glycolytic pathway were also determined. In this study, glycose metabolism is necessary to develop in fertilized ova with changing activity of enzymes. 4. Molecular bases of ovarian fluid. The zona pellucida ZP is involved in a number of events in fertilization, all these fertilization events occur in the oviduct. Oviductal glycoprotein 200-240 KD has been indentified from oviductal zona pellucida. Monoclonal antibody of oviductal glycoprotein reacted with ZP of oviductal egg but not with the ovarian egg. Anti-ZPO antibody inhibit to bind sperm to ZP. Sequences in mouse and hamster oviduct specific glycoprotein are estimated, this glycoprotein IrRNA was observed in only oviduct by northern blotting method. These molecular gene expression was observed by in situ hybridization in the oviduct of estrous cycle of hamster. 5. Microinsemination of sperm. Microinsemination of sperm into oocyte is widely used in clinical medicine. Sperm penetration assay (hamster test) is useful method to estimate fertilization capacity of sperm. But immotile sperm cannot estimate it. So modified micro sperm penetration assay was established to estimate fertilization capacity of sperm by using micro-manipulator. Subzonal sperm injection (SUZI) and intracytoplaslric sperm injection (ICSI) promotes fertilization and cleavage rate in immotil
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1996-08-01
- 座長の言葉
- ヒト精子受精能検査試薬FAB-25(アクロビーズテスト)の有用性に関する多施設研究
- 7)思春期のやせと肥満 (I.レクチャーシリーズ)
- 討論(妊娠の成立機構 : 胚発生から着床まで)
- Vitrification法によるヒト胚凍結の実際 : 妊娠,分娩に至った1症例
- 体外受精にて見かけ上受精しなかった卵の検討
- 新生児黄疸と Gilbert 症候群 : 日本人に共通なビリルビンUDP-グルクロン酸トランスフェラーゼ遺伝子変異について
- P-229 マウス卵胞の閉鎖機構 : 変性した卵母細胞の運命
- マウス卵巣組織におけるガングリオシドGD2の局在
- 92 マウス及びヒト卵巣内に発現するヒアルロン酸合成酵素mRNAについて
- ヒト卵巣顆粒膜細胞のアポトーシス細胞出現率の卵胞発育に及す影響
- 酢酸ナファレリンを用いてのIVF-ETのための過排卵刺激法の試み
- Caged IP3 を用いたマウス卵細胞質内カルシウム制御機構の検討
- P-226 卵胞サイズは卵の質を反映するだろうか?
- 457 マウス体外受精後2前核形成卵及び前核非形成卵における卵細胞質内cytoskeletal elementの構造に関する検討
- 16 個々の卵胞における顆粒膜細胞のアポトーシス小体出現率の分析と体外受精患者における意義
- 体外受精・胚移植後妊娠における周産期リスクの検討
- 子宮内膜症の体外受精患者におけるアポトーシス小体出現率を含めたパラメーターの評価
- 105 ヒト卵胞顆粒膜細胞におけるアポトーシス小体出現率とその意義
- 173 妊娠末期ヒト子宮筋におけるL型及びT型電位依存性Ca^チャネル遺伝子の発現動態
- P-122 ラット卵巣、胎盤におけるジアシルグリセロールキナーゼ(DGK)の遺伝子発現と局在の検討
- 458 マウス卵における細胞内カルシウム制御機構の検討
- ピル処方上の注意
- 生殖医療の最近の進歩と生命倫理
- 生殖医療と倫理
- 最新の生殖医療技術の進歩と問題(不妊を取りまく諸問題)
- ピルによる避妊の基礎と実際
- 受精機構の解明と生殖補助医療への応用
- 講評および Dr. Robert M. Nakamura の講演スライド紹介
- サルとヒトの性
- 座長の言葉
- GIFT法の実際(今月の研修コーナー)
- P-381 体外培養によるマウス卵小胞体Ca^ストアの変化
- P-361 子宮脱手術としての腟断端仙棘靱帯固定術変法の排尿生理学的有用性
- P-107 ガングリオシドのマウス卵巣組織における局在と顆粒膜-卵細胞間シグナル伝達への関与
- 310 マウスにおけるヒトGross cystic disease fluid protein15(GCDFP15)相同蛋白の発現
- 111 顆粒膜細胞におけるP450scc遺伝子の発現とprogesterone(P4)産生に及ぼすtype I collagen(TIC)の抑制作用
- 334 マウス卵小胞体カルシウム放出機構の加齢による変化
- わが国における高齢女性に対するホルモン補助療法の意義と必要性
- P-148 マウス卵胞の閉鎖にマクロファージは関与するか?
- 体外受精の予後規定因子(今月の研修テーマ)
- P-121 自然流産における淘汰時期の性差に関する検討