- 論文の詳細を見る
With reference to psychosomatic growth after pediatric surgery, analytical studies were done using questionnair upon 310 cases who received surgery at Showa University Hospital in the past 10 years. Of these, 154 answers were divided into 127 major 27 cases of minor surgical groups. Post surgical health condition is quite satisfactory. At the present time, mental and emotional development is normal compared with healthy children. Complications resulting from the original disease are seen in 18 cases. 65% of the families have serious anxiety for relapse of the illness in the future As for the surgical scar, 11 patients desire to receive plastic repair in the future. In comparison of pre and post surgical conditions, 80 cases have no change, but 5 cases aggravated in the movement, and 26 cases improved in the health. From the view point of the Kaup Index in pre and post surgical conditions, almost all cases have showed remarkable improvement. In the psychological tests, the D. Q. (Development Quotient) values have improved in process of age. Analysis of the PAT (Parent Attitude Test) suggestes that the mental and emotional development after surgery is affected by patient's parent. In conelusion, the pediatric surgeons must give an adequate explanation of disease and post surgical course to parents for a better understanding of the situation for both patients and parents, thereby contributing to a healthy development of the character and mind of the children. For healthy psychosomatic development after surgery, recognition of patient's disease by the parents is the most important factor.
- 日本小児外科学会の論文
- 1980-08-20
- B-38. 制癌剤を動脈内注入した7例の悪性腫瘍について(第14回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- A-17. 胆管の走行異常を示した先天性十二指腸閉鎖症の一例(第14回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- I-A-S-4 新生児消化管穿孔の初期治療について
- III-C-5 腸回転異常症における上部消化管造影の意義について
- III-B-22 アドリアマイシンの血中及び肝組織内濃度
- 新生児 Meckel 憩室穿孔の1例
- 77. 腹腔内多量出血を来した, 有茎性肝原発 Yolk sac carcinoma の 1 例(第 13 回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- II-B-123 小児の手術侵襲に対する血中コーチゾールの変化
- 35. 先天性空腸狭窄症を内視鏡検査にて確診しえた 1 例(第 11 回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- 14. 新生児肺葉性気腫の 1 例(第 11 回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- III-C-15 先天性食道閉鎖症 : 術後食道気管瘻再開通の予防及び再開通例に対する手術法の実験的考察
- III-C-1 腹腔内圧の変動に関する実験的研究 : 特にMuscle Surface PHの変化(第III報)
- II-A-22 新生児外科における重症感染症について
- 小児人工肛門の合併症
- 8. 双生児の双方にみられた食道閉鎖症(第 10 回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- 映画-1 腸管回転異常症(映画)(第 13 回 日本小児外科学会総会)
- 損傷脾の縫合修復に関する臨床的・実験的研究
- III-C-3 破裂脾に対する縫合修復の経験
- 83. 尿中カテコールアミン代謝産物が高値を示した後腹膜奇形腫の 2 例(第 13 回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- 小児外科領域における術後の精神,身体発育について
- III-C-28 小児外科領域における術後の精神, 身体発育について