A Langevin Simulation for Active Transport
- 論文の詳細を見る
A nou?eqtrilibriurtu state is studied by a Langex'ira eqtratiota xvitla an additional bottndary cot?ditiona. The active transport across the taaezaubrsrtue is stttdied as 21111 example of a taoneqtrilibritrumstate. Tlae electric jcotential is nortnally positive otrtside the cell membratne oxving to tlae activetransport of io?as. A probabilistic botntadar'y coraditiora plays 21 role of' puraaping for ions in theLangevin siraatmlatior?. The rmatl?ernatical ua?odel can be solx'ed trsing an aver'aged Fokker-Planckeqtration, arad the solution is cornpared xvith tlae Langevin sitaaulation.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-05-15
Sakaguchi Hidetsugu
Department Ofapplied Science For Electronics And Materials Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engi
Sakaguchi Hidetsugu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
- Complex Dynamics in a Population of Threshold Elements : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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- Phase Dynamics and Localized Solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau Type Amplitude Equations
- A Langevin Simulation for Active Transport
- Mechanism of Stepped Leaders in a Simple Discharge Model
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- Desynchronization in a Self-Oscillating Medium
- Tip Oscillation of Dendritic Patterns in a Phase Field Model. II(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Localized State in a Nonlinear Resistor Network
- Shock Structures and Velocity Fluctuations in the Noisy Burgers and KdV-Burgers Equations(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Localized State in a Population of Threshold Elements with Non-Local Interaction : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Tip Oscillation of Dendritic Patterns in a Phase Field Model. II
- A Soluble Active Rotator Model Showing Phase Transitions via Mutual Entrainment : General and Mathematical Physics
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- Phase Dynamics of the Coupled Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations
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- Localized State in a Population of Threshold Elements with Non-Local Interaction : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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- Localized Oscillation in a Cellular Pattern : Progress Letters
- Elimination of Breathing Spiral Waves in the Aliev–Panfilov Model
- Numerical Study of Vortex Motion in the Two Dimensional Ginzburg-Landau Equation
- Intermittency and Slip-Size Distribution in the Block-Spring Model of Earthquakes
- Hole Solutions in the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation near a Subcritical Bifurcation : Progress Letters
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- Phase Turbulence and Mutual Entrainment in a Coupled Oscillator System : Progress Letters
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