^^<59>Co Zero-Field NMR Study of Antiferromagnetism in Low-Tetmperature Teragonal Phase of La_2CoO_3.86
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In the loxv-tetnperattmre tetragonal phase of' antif'erromagneJic La.z C004 (V'N : 270 K), XV6 laaveobserved a "Co zero-field ntrclear-rn?tgnetic-resonance spectrtrzm that consists of three lines:two dorninant xvell-discriminative lines art 195KlHz (Co') and 227IVIHz (Co") of' nestrly eqtralintensity; and a fractional broad line in tlae 250 to 325 IVIHz range xvith a cornplicate strtrcttrr'e.The forrner was assigned to the Co ?rtonas with six raearest-neighbor oxygen atonus, and the 1?ttterto those with oxygen vacatncies in the neighborhood generated by the oxygen nonstoiclaiouaaetry.At low teznperatttres, the nuclear spin-lattice relax;ttion rate T. of both Co' and Co" increasesin proportion to T', indicating tlaat the systetn is in a long-range antiferronaagnetic orderedstate. With increasing tetnperattrre, T.- ' of Co' shows a divergence increase at 'Z'C,1 : 12 K,and that of' Co" exlaibits a CLISP at 'Z'C,4 : 12 K and the divergence increase at T03 : 50 K,respectively, which ar'e strggestive of strccessive transitions of the spin strttcttrre. XVe concltrdethat the difference in the reson?tnce frequency of Co' and Co" is catrsed by a difl'erence in thetr;tnsferred hyper[ine and/or dipol?rr fields f'rorn the ad.jacent Co spins. An orbital ordering ofthe d.. wave with q :: 0.25 is proposed to be flue tnost platrsible ground state of Co" ions,which may give two ineqtrivalent Co sites in the hyperfine field.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-02-15
Wada Shinji
Graduate School Of Sciences Kobe University
Wada Shinji
Graduate School Of Science &technology And Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Kajitani Tsuyoshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University Kobe University
Hosoya Shoichi
Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University
Graduate School of Science & Technology and Faculty of Science,Kobe University
Wada Shinji
Graduate School Of Science & Technology And Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Furukawa Yuji
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan University
Furukawa Yuji
Graduate School Of Science & Technology And Faculty Of Science Kobe University
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