First Principles Calculation for the Magnetic Structure of γ-Mn
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lVIagnetic strtrcttrre of' -,'-lVIn which is experirnentally believed to be a collinear antif'er'routaagnetwith lattice distortion of c/a< l is investig?rted by takirag the ton-co1Jineatr spin strtrcttrres izatoaccouuat in the LIVITO-ASA. Cotnparison of the total energies f'or var'ious naatgnetic strtrcturesunducates that at c/a : l tlue non-collinear antif'erromagnetic strtrctture is utaore stable tlaazu thecollinear strtrcture, althotrgh the energy difference is qtzite strbtle (less th?rn 0.1 uaaRy/atotaa). ItIS shown that the lattice dustortuon to c/a< 1 is strongly resj.consibIe for the colline?ar ;rntiferro-ttuagnetic strvtcture and it sizaavxltaneovxsly xaaakes tlte s3zstem stable.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-08-15
Sakuma Akimasa
Magnetic And Electronic Materials Research Laboratory Hitachi Metals Ltd.
Sakuma Akimasa
Magnetic & Electronic Materials Research Laboratory Hitachi Metal Ltd
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