Pseudopotential Theory for Interionic Interionic Interaction Potentials in Metals at Non-Zero Temperature. I. : Elementary Derivation of Asymptotic Expressions on Basis of Hilbert Transforms
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An asymptotic expression F..j...,(r; 7') oj' a pair potential between ions in metals atnon-zero temperature 7:0 is given approximately by a form V,..,..,(r; C))D(r; 7'),where ]/......,(r; 0)= F.cos (2k.x')/(lk.r)' is the Friedel oscillatory potential atT=0, D(r; 7')=,v=cosech (,x') with x=n0c.T/E7)k.r is a danaping factor, k. theBoltzmann constant, k. and E. the Fermi wave number and the Fermi level.Lighthill's method for estimating asymptotic form of Fourier transforms of f (X) thatincludes a singular point is proved to be applicable also to transformed functionsFCx)=I fix -z)t<z; 7')dz,wherev(z; 7')=J(z)as7'=0.Ther>roofisdoneb>'theuse of Hilbert transforms, in which f(x)=1/x. This modifued Lighthill's methodderives V,.,...,(r; T) in the usual way thal. is used in pseudopotential treatment ofV,.?,..,(r; 0). Earlmer works by Kohn and Vosko, March and Murray, and Flynn andOdle are examined.[pseudopotentia1' poten- ll fiats, 'Hilbert [Z transfltheory, dielectric functions, asymptotic ex)cressxon, paurunteruonic potentials, interatomic potentials, temperature effects,orms
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-11-15
Sugiyama Akira
Department Of Electronic Engineering Mining College Akita University
Sugiyama Akira
Department Of General Education Aichi Institute Of Technology
Sugiyama Akira
Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Sugiyama Akira
Department of General Education,Aichi Institute of Technology
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