Anomalous Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in Narrow-Band Systems
- 論文の詳細を見る
The temperature dependences of nuclear magnetic relaxation time (NMR T.) andparamagnetic susceptibility were theoretically examined in various models of narrow-band systems in connection with recently discovered Cu-oxide high-I. superconduc-tors. When the chemical potential lies in the neighborhood of Jogarithmicallydivergent van Hove singularity inherent in two-dimensional systems, their tempera-ture dependences are anomalous in a weakly degenerate region of temperatures. If ex-ponents must be assigned in such a region, then l / T. is approximately proportionalto T"', and susceptibility approximately to T "", T being temperature.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1988-07-15
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