Numerical Study on Drift and Alfven Waves in a Current-Carrying Plasma
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A set of coupled eigenmode equations for drift and Alfv<So modes in a current-carrying stab plasma with magnetic shear is studied numerically. The modes withodd-/ and even-.{77 parity are investigated where fi and A7j are the electrostaticpotential and the parallel component of the vector potential of the perttu'bations,respectively. The shear Alfv<Sn mode of this parity is marginally stable for thehigh fi value, and the drift mode of this parity is more stable than that with even-$and odd-177 parity. Electron-ion collisions are found to stabilize both the modes.The current can not make both the shear Alfv<Sn mode and the drift mode unstable.The former remains marginally stable and may contribute to the anomaloustransport.
- 1982-05-15
Tuda Takashi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
ITOH Kimitaka
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Terashima Yoshinosuke
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya Univ.
Institute of Plasma Physics,nagoya University
Nishikawa Ken-ichi
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University:princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory
Nishikawa Ken-ichi
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
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