Initial Stage of Turbulent Heating of Plasmas
- 論文の詳細を見る
Initial stage of linear turbulent heating of plasmas has been investigatedby means of Thomson scattering of ruby laser light with an eight-channel poly-chromator. In a low density discharge (n,t 5 x 10" cm '), an anomalously rapidelectron heating was observed to start in association with the onset of the currentdriven ion acoustic instability. Flat-top velocity distributions of the electrons wereobserved after the onset of the instability, which was interpreted by the quasilineardiffusion process in the velocity space caused by the turbulent ton acoustic waves.In a high density discharge (o.:2 >< 10" cm '), the applied pulse voltage gener-ated skin current distributions disappearing in less than 0.6 psec, while skinprofiles of the electron temperature remained longer, say for 2 qsec. It is concludedthat the observed rapid current penetration is also due to the anomalous resistivitycaused by the current driven ton acoustic instability.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-10-15
- Initial Stage of Turbulent Heating of Plasmas
- Space-Resolved Measurement of Electron Density by Neutral Li Beam Probing in NBT
- Probe Measurements of Fluctuations Responsible for Turbulent Heating of Plasmas
- Heavy Ion Beam Probe for the Study of Plasma Confinement in Nagoya Bumpy Torus
- Development of Concentric Equipotential Surfaces in Bumpy Torus Plasma