Hamiltonian Structure and Dynamical System Associated with the BKP Heirarchy
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Conserved quantities and the Hamiltonian structure associated with BKP equation are deduced with the help of pseudodifferential operators in (2+1) dimension and dressing technique. It has been proved that the restricted flows in one dimension corresponds to the integrable Henon-Heiles dynamical system.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1993-03-15
Chowdhury A.roy
High Energy Physics Division Department Of Physics Jadavpur University
Chowdhury Roy
High Energy Physics Division Department Of Physics Jadavpur University
Ghosh Chandana
High Energy Physics Division, Department of Physics, Jadavpur University
Ghosh C
Jadavpur Univ. Calcutta Ind
Ghosh Chandana
High Energy Physics Division Department Of Physics Jadavpur University
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