Spin Transport Properties of the Quantum Ome-Dimensional Non-Linear Sigma Model:an Application to Haldane Gap Systems
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Spiua tratasport properties of' the qtrarattzzta one-dinaensiouaal nun-liraear sigtna rauode[ are stttdiedb;rsed LIPOII tJae BetJte anasatz exact soltntiora for the (l)(3) sigraua ta?ode1 and flue l/.V-expansionapproach for the O(IxT) signaa..t utaodel. III is sluoxvn tluat tlue spiza transport. at fiu?ite ternperattrresis ballistic and tltere is 110 sjciru difT'trsiota iza tlais ,';ystetaa. A possilcle uneclaanistn f'or tlae sjcindiffusiora observed in the N1N4R experiuaaer?t of' the Hst[d;ttte gap sy-steuau AgVP3S(5 by Talcig?tx'x'arcl a/, [Plays. Rexx. Belt. 76 (1996) 2173] is also discttssed. Tlae incJusionu of'tlae spira-plaortottinteractio?u ?tccotrtuts f'or tJte experirmezutstl restzJts qtnalit;ttively.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-08-15
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