Explanation of Free-Electron Lasing with Classical Electrodynamics and Quantum Wiggler Electrodynamics (QWD),and the Justification of QWD based on Forward Raman Scattering of a Laser Light
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It is found that the net work per tnnit tirne done by all electrons in the cavity is far sttaallerthan the rneastrred power of indtrced enaission in the firs.;t free-electron laser (FELL, The rruea-sttred powers of spontaneotts and indvrced exnissions in the first FEE, are identified as tluoseof spontaneous and net stirntrlated trarnn;verse-xviggling-driven free?-electron two-quanttruaa St;xrk(TWFBTQS) ertaissions, respectixrely, xvltich are conceivable only in quantum wiggler electro-dynamics (QWD). The ttncertainty principle prescribes that an electron plasnaa with densityn cannot exhibit net stinuvxlated ernission of wavelength X, and tire reaction force atrisen f'rortalaser radiation of' w'aveletagth A is indejcendent of the elcectron platvse with respect to the laserradiation if' nA' ) l. It is f'otrnd flouaa these facts, the concept of' Lietaard-Wichert potentials, ?rttdthe tmomenttttaa and energy conservations that in the [1{aanan FEL latsing mtrst be an amplifiedspontaneous TWFETQS emission, and the net wor'k dtre to plaascr bunching by the laser fieldand the tnagnetic wiggler is eqtt?rl to the radiated energy. To confirna the validity of the QXN7Dlaw tlaat the wave-f'unction phase of a firnal st?rte arrived throtrgh art irrteraction with a wiggler' israndom, for'ward Rattaan scattering (FRS) in an experiment is qtu;tnturn-unechanically calctrlattedwithout presuraaption on the wave-ftrnction phase. It is fovrnd that {.he occurrence of the FRS inrneastrrable rnagnitttde is not f'easible vvnless the QWD law is valid. Since the FRS is exhi1.>itedin the experinaent, we conclude that the QXVD law is xzalid.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-07-15
Shang H.
Department Of Physics University Of Texas At Arlington
Kim Shang
Department Of Physics University Of Texas At Arlington
- Quantum Mechanical Theory of Free-Electron Two-Quantum Stark Emission Driven by Transverse Motion
- Net Inverse Bremsstrahlung Acceleration in Plasma Waves
- Laser Amplification by Radiation-Wiggled Electron Beam in an Anti-Axially Propagating Electrostatic Wave
- Explanation of Free-Electron Lasing with Classical Electrodynamics and Quantum Wiggler Electrodynamics (QWD),and the Justification of QWD based on Forward Raman Scattering of a Laser Light