Transition from Haldane Phase to Spin Liquid and Incommensurate Correlation in Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Chains
- 論文の詳細を見る
Tl?e btrlk properties and iuuaptrrity efl'ect in the otae-diunensiotaal S : 1 /2 Heisen berg ztuodel w'itludirnerization and next-raearest-neighbor exchanage ?tre studied by the density taaatrix renorraaaliza-tion grotmp and exact diagoraalization tnethods. T1?is model widely covers tlae S : 1 Heisenbergtnodel, two-leg ladders, bond-alternating chains ;rnd tlae S :: 172 Heisenberg taaodel. Alzaaostthe xvhole paranaeter space belongs to tlae Haldane plaase. In the nun-diua'neriziu'ag lin'xit a trauusition to a lcind of spin liqtrid takes place, characterized by tlae deloctrlized spita polarization.Tlais trat?sitiota catrses tl'xe distiract iuauptmrity efl'ects 1.oetweetu a, spin-Peierls conapottnd CttGeO3and tl're Haldarae systenus, Experirnental aspects of a bond-alternatir?g coumpottnd CtrlNbz0(3 arealso disctrssed. Ftrrtlaernaore, the incotnraaensttrate correlation ar'isit'xg in tluis model is extensivelysttrdied, and a phase diagrataa is cotastrtrcted.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-06-15
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Miyazaki Medical College
Yokoyama H
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Yokoyama Hisatoshi
Department Of Applied Physics Tohoku University
Watanabe Shinji
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Watanabe Shinji
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
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