Dynamical Brittle Fractures of Nanocrystalline Silicon using Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations (Condensed Matter: Electric Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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A hybrid scheme between large-scale electronic structure calculations is developed and applied to nanocrystalline silicon with more than 10^5 atoms. Dynamical fracture processes are simulated under external loads in the [001] direction. We show how the fracture propagates anisotropically on the (001) plane and reconstructed surfaces appear with asymmetric dimers. Step structures are formed in larger systems, which is explained by the beginning of a crossover between nanoscale and macroscale samples.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2003-10-15
藤原 毅夫
藤原 毅夫
Fujiwara Takeo
Department Of Applied Physics The University Of Tokyo
Fujiwara Takeo
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineereing University Of Tokyo
Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
Hoshi T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Hoshi Takeo
Department Of Applied Mathematics And Physics Tottori University:core Research For Evolutional Scien
藤原 毅夫
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
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