Stacking Fault Probabilities in Copper-Aluminum Martensite Transformed in Thin Foils
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The martensite transformation of thin foils of Cu-Al alloy was studied to know the effect of specimen thickness on stacking fault probability in the martensite. Stacking fault probabilities were obtained from shifts of electron diffraction spots by applying the diffraction theory of crystal with stacking faults which has been developed by Kakinoki and Komura. Only one stacking fault parameter β was sufficient to describe stacking disorder in the present case. Obtained values of β cover almost all the range from 0 to 1, where β=1 corresponds to h.c,p. structure. Such large values of β including β=1 can not be obtained from the martensite transformation of bulk specimens. The effect of foil thickness on stacking fault probability was directly examined by making use of high transmissive power of 500 kV electron microscope, and it was found that the probability β increases with decreasing foil thickness. It is inferred that the martensite transformed in thin foils has a strong tendency to approach to h.c.p. structure, a more stable one, by introducing stacking faults on (001) plane of the orthorhombic lattice.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1967-03-05
National Institute for Materials Science
Kajiwara Setsuo
National Research Institute For Metals
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