- 論文の詳細を見る
The children of a primary school in Sendai were examined for the frequency of flat-feet, and among them the children of 6-th year class were subjected to closer examination for investigating the possible correlation of flat-feet to the bodily growth (in height and weight) and the athletic ability (running and jumping), as well as the relative frequency of flat-feet among the relatives of flat-foted children. The results obtained were in summary as follows: 1. Among our subjects, flat-foot was more frequent among the children of lower classes and tended to decrease with the advance of age. 2. In body weight, the flat-footed girls alone showed significantly higher values than the normal-footed girls. No such difference was observed among the boys and in stature. 3. No difference in running ability was observed between the flat-footed and the other children. 4. Among the girls, the flat-foot group showed superiority in jnmping to the non-flat-foot group. Among the boys, no such a difference could be established, bat the 2 boys showing particularly high jumping ability were slightly flat-footed. 5. Flat-foot was particularly frequent among the brothers and sisters of flat-footed children.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1960-02-29
川上 吉昭
加藤 勝雄
加藤 勝雄
菅原 恒有
阿部 睦男
針生 敏雄
川上 吉昭
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- 49.学童の発育及び疲労に及ぼす庶糖の影響
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- 3. 自殺企図と気象要素
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- 2. 騒音の血圧に及ぼす生理学的並びに衛生学的影響
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- 38.テレタイプの騒音による疲労
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- Hypertensive Tendency in Pupils of Night High School and the Result of Vitamin Administration Test.:Studies on Hypertensive Tedency. in Youth 2nd Report.