『体育学』(毛利・神保著, 明治22年)について
- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan of the 1880's, thers are some translated books about the Western physical education theory. But, those are not originally written by Japanese. The first original book about physical education theory written by Japanese are published in I889. (the 22nd year of Meiji) The title is "Taiikugaku" which means the science of physical education, written by S. Mori and N. Jinbo. Though they are army surgeons, this physical education theory is not characterized by Militarism, but by medical science. Because the contents of this book, except the item of "Military exercises" <Heishiki-Taiso>, are written with the systematic knowledges of medical science, especially from the view point of physiology and hygiene for the physical growth. However, we must observe that this physical education theory is supported by Nationalism idealistically (this is Written in the introduction, Chap. 1.) In the Japanese history of physical education, this physical education theory is situated on the remarkable progress from the step of the 1880's Western physical education theory based on Individualism to the 1890's Japonic one based on Nationalism.
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