- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, cardiac silhouette of 74 men athletes and 49 women athletes belonging to senior high schools with 3-6 years' experience of training were compared with those of 29 non-athletes as controls. Radiography for cardiac silhouette was taken for men and women athletes of long distance, cross country ski, basketball, soccer, rugby, sumo, judo, volley ball, hand ball, heavy gymnastics and for non-athletes in the dorso-ventral and the lateral directions with the distance of 2.0 meters between the bulb and the film. The area of cardiac silhouette was measured with a planimeter and its volume was computed by application of Rohrer- Kahlstrof formula. Measurements of heart rate were made during submaximal exercise and recovery phase. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The mean heart volume calculated from roentgenograms of the men athletes was 996.0 ml (sumo), 916.5 ml (basket ball), 906.8 ml (cross country ski), 801.9 ml (long distance),752.6 (rugby), 717.5 ml (judo), 713. 9 ml (soccer), 586.5 ml (non-athletes) and for the women athletes it was 676.1 ml (volley ball), 650.4 ml (cross country ski), 615.0 ml (hand ball), 569.8 ml (basket ball), 504.3 ml (heavy gymnastics) and 454.4 ml (non-athletes), respectively. 2) The average of the heart volume per kilogram body weight for the men athletes was 15.4 ml・kg^<-1> (long distance), 14.2 ml・kg^<-1> (cross country ski), 12.6 ml・kg^<-1> (basket ball), 11.6 ml・kg^<-1>(soccer), 11.5ml・kg^<-1> (rugby), 10.7ml・kg^<-1> (sumo), 10.3 ml・kg^<-1> (non-athletes), 9. 6 ml・kg^<-1> (judo) and for the women athletes it was 13.0 ml・kg^<-1> (cross country ski), 11. 5 ml・kg^<-1> (volley ball), 10.7 ml・kg^<-1> (hand ball), 10.6 ml・kg^<-1> (heavy gymnastics), 9.9 ml・kg^<-1> (basket ball) and 8.5 ml・kg^<-1> (non-athletes), respectively. 3) The heart volume had significantly high correlations to body weight with the coefficient of r=0.571 (long distance, cross country ski, p<0.05), r=0.569 (ball games, p<0.001), r=0.764(sumo, judo, p<0.001), r=0.643 (non-athletes, p<0.01) in men and r=0.663 (cross country ski, p<0.05), r=0.587 (ball games, p<0.001), r=0.888 (non-athletes, p<0.001) in women, respectively. 4) Regarding physical fitness index, correlation coefficient with the heart volume per kilogram body weight was r=0.524 (p<0.001) in men and r=0.401 (p<0.01) in women. 5) The above-mentioned findings seem to suggest that the heart volume had significantly related with body weight and endurance capacity and, the fact that. the heart volume of the adult endurance athletes is larger than that of the ordinary men was also recognized in the senior high school boys and girls.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1982-12-01
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