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High school sport team members experience various sociological ambivalence in process of involving themselves in sport teams. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate their value orientations of sport team activities through the analyses of their ambivalence transformation. The data was obtained by sequential surveys conducted in June and November 1984 on 486 junior and senior high school sport team members, and multi-dimensional analyses (factor analysis and Hayashi's quantification theory II and III) were applied to the data. Main findings are as follows: 1) The ambivalence of competition vs. cooperation is easy to be transformed, while those of egoism vs. altruism and dogmatism vs. literalism tend to be continuous. 2) Continuous ambivalence for boys is submission to authority, and sanction for girls. 3) Submission to senior members is the consistent ambivalence determinant for both junior and senior high school sport team members. 4) Samples are devided into four types of group according to the presence (Yes or No) of am-bivalence respectively at the lst and 2nd survey period; deviant. group (Y-Y), socialized group (Y-N), becomming deviant group (N-Y) and adapted group (N-N). Main ambivalence determinant of deviant group is coach, and that of becomming deviant group is submission to senior team members. It is estimated that the ambivalence of deviant group consists of five types of value orientation, i.e., dogmatism, egoism, humanism, totalitarianism and idealism.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1986-12-01
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