視覚障害児の身体的発育発達の研究 : 体格, 基礎運動技能の発育発達パターンについて
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This study was attempted to realize the characteristics of physical growth and development of the visually handicapped children. The semi-longitudinal data set of 8 physique and motor ability items were collected from the visually handicapped children of the attached blind school of University of Tsukuba. Then, these data were classified into three groups in terms of degree of visual handicap: totally blind, severe partially sighted, and mild partially sighted. The mean of each physical attribute was converted into H-score for each age respectively, using the mean of measns of 6 through 17years old of normally sighted children and its standard deviation. The following conclusions were induced. The physique growth patterns of visually handicapped children were very similar to those of the normally sighted children, but, during the term of growth accelaration, the relative differences between physique elements tended to decrease in the visually handicapped, but increase in the normal. In the visually handicapped, each motor skill showed some unique trend of development, and the relative differences were found very significant between different motor skill elem6nts in all ages, but the normally sighted children showed some considerably similar trend of development and small extent of differences between different motor skill elements in all ages. In the visually handicapped, however, such great deal of differences tended to decrease according to the age increase, but the mild partially sighted children showed smaller differences between different motor skill elements than the totally blind and the severe partially sighted in a1l ages: Then, such differences were larger in girls than boys.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1986-06-01
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