- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to determine the interrelati6nships among recordings in nine different running performances varying in distance from 50 m to 10 km, and the contribution of physique and physical fitness elements to each running performance. A total of 43 test items representing running ability (9 items), physique (7 items), and physical fitness (20 items) was examined on 167 healthy young boys aged 15 to 18 years. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1) The average running speed declined remarkably from 7.0 m/s in l00 m running to 3.7 m/s in 12 min running (x=2639 m) as the running distance increased, whereas the mean speed in distance running longer than 12 min running was almost constant. The mean speed in 12 min, 5 km, and l0 km running was approximately 50% of the mean speed of 50 m running. 2) The correlation coefficients of 50m running performance decreased remarkably from r=0.84with l00 m running performance to r=0.37 with 12 min running performance as the running distance increased. In contrast, the correlation coefficients of 10km running performance ranged from r=0.40with l00 m to r=0.90 with 12 min. 3) The contribution of physique to running performances seemed to be somewhat greater in distances shorter than 400m than in distances longer than 600 yards. Particularly, the contribution of body bulk to running performances was relatively large.. 4) The overall contribution of physical fitness elements to running performances in shorter distances (≦600 yeards) was relatively greater as compared with those in longer distances (≧800m). 5) The contribution of power to running performances decreased progressively up to 600 yards, while that of muscular endurance was almost constant throughout the range of distance. However, the relative contribution of muscular endurance among physical fitness elements seemed to increase progressively as the distance became longer. 6) Static strength and flexibility showed rather low relationships with running performance in distances shorter than 600 yards. Cardiorespiratory element related significantly with running performances longer than 400m, and the contribution of this element was relatively greater to running performances in longer distances (≧1500 m) than to those in shorter distances (≦800 m). 7) Agility, balance, and coordination were also found to contribute significantly to each running performance. However, the contribution of agility to each running performance seemed to decrease progressively up to 800m as the distance became longer.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1984-09-01
- 中学生水泳選手の形態,筋力,及び柔軟性の性差・学年差の検討
- わが國の体力地図(地域別)の作成 : 第2報
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- 水泳能力因子構造の性差 : 中学生水泳選手
- 161.大学男子水泳選手のための筋力組テスト試案 : 体型,体位,発育発達に関する研究 : 第35回日本体力医学会大会
- 815 大学男子水泳選手のための柔軟性組テスト試案
- 柔軟性の階級的因子構造 : 大学男子水泳選手
- 825 筋力の階級的因子構造 : 大学男子水泳選手
- 泳法別に見た水泳選手の形態, 筋力, 柔軟性, 及び神経機能の比較
- 中学生水泳選手の形態,筋力,及び柔軟性の性差・学年差の検討 : 体型,体位,発育発達等に関する研究 適応と訓練効果に関する研究
- 817 水泳能力の因子構造 : 中学生男子水泳選手
- 大学男子水泳選手のための柔軟性組テスト
- 186.大学男子水泳選手の柔軟性 : 泳法別比較 : 体型,体位,発育発達に関する研究 : 第36回日本体力医学会大会
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- 9073 陸上競技の指導に関する研究(8) : 1500mと5000m走の記録とペースの関係および目標記録に対するペースの推定について(選手について)
- 1407 陸上競技の指導に関する研究(6) : 中長距離走の記録と皮脂厚の関係および皮脂厚を考慮した中長距離走の記録の回帰評価について
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