1992年独立国家共同体オリンピック統一選手団派遣事業に関する史的考察 : ソ連邦消滅から独立国家共同体移行期のスポーツ改革の分析を中心にして
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to make clear the process of establishment of the sport control system in CIS. For this purpose, I had a study on the enterprise for CIS to send the delegation to the 1992 Olympic games. It is possible to point out the special features of the process of the CIS sport control system having been established from 1990 to 1992 as follows. 1. The soviet sport system democratized and approched the western sport system before soviet disappeared at 1991. 2. There was the consensus that they want to keep the tradition of soviet being the winner on Olympic games. this consensus made it possible that CIS could send its delegation to the 1992 Olympic games after soviet disappeared within 3 months. 3. Ex-soviet sport leaders changed the name of sport organization, for example, from Soviet Olympic tommittee to CIS Olympic committee. but, they did not reorganize the inside of ex-soviet organization within 3 months after soviet diappeared. 4. The CIS Olympic delegation was organized by the special instruction of President of Republic of Rossia. 5. The real reorganization of CIS sport system will begin after 1992. These results suggest that the special features for CIS sport system, that the CIS basic organization is the same system of ex-soviet sport organization from 1991 to 1992. Only one financial system of CIS is different from that of ex-soviet. New financial system of CIS is consist of stats financial support, sport lottery which is same as at ex-soviet years and the finacinl support of western sponser enterprise. I may point it out that there were only 3 months before 1992 Olympic games starts,they did only change the name of organization. but, could not reorganize the sport system.so CIS sport system will construct after 1992 Olympic games.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1994-01-01
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- 1992年独立国家共同体オリンピック統一選手団派遣事業に関する史的考察 : ソ連邦消滅から独立国家共同体移行期のスポーツ改革の分析を中心にして
- ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦の学校体育改革をめぐる諸問題について
- ソビエトスポーツ史におけるペレストロイカの位置について