- 論文の詳細を見る
The education system reform of the Union of Soviet Socialist Repubilics, which took 5 years from starting at 1985, is completed at 1990. The purpose of this study is to make researches in how the Soviet physical education was revised by this education system reform and how they solved problems that Soviet physical education was facing. By this study, auther wished to clear the new position of physical education in the new education system of Soviet and to investigate the new mission of it. It is possible to point out following special features of the new physical education. 1. By the rapid development of scientific technology, high scientific technological and high information-oriented society will come at 21 century. They expected that laborers should be managed by the electronic computer for information management and live in the mental stress to be strained. They reached the conclusion that the harmonious growth, that is sound mentally and physically, of Soviet nation may be more important matter. So they decided to introduce new sport activities of 8 to 10 hours into school education in order to complete physical education. 2. In order to improve the physical education which was wasted as the preparation for the GTO ready for labor and military of Soviet, they decided to remove the GTO from physical education and to introduce sport activities into physical education for making it more pleasant work and they will motivate students to sport activities in life. 3. The training system for teachers of physical edudation is to be improved to make better a ability of teachers in physical education. 4. For the completion of physicnl education, they complete the establishments and equipments of physical education to be progressed. It can be pointed out that Soviet is planning to improve the quality of physical education.With this education system reform, Soviet will have special features of the physical education reform that is based upon a long-range plan for coming 21 century to emphasize physical education.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1992-09-01
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