25p-W-6 Core-level XPS spectra of Fe oxides
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1991-03-11
Fujimori A.
Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Tokyo
Bocquet A.e.
Dept.of Appl.phys Univ.of Tokyo
Fujimori A.
University of Tokyo
Fujimori A.
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Mizokawa T.
Dept.of Phys, Univ.of Tokyo
Namatame H.
Dept.of Phys, Univ.of Tokyo
Takano M.
Inst.Chem.Res., Univ.of Kyoto
Takeda Y.
Dept.Chem, Mie Univ.
Suga S.
Dept.Mat.Phys, Osaka Univ
Kimizuka N.
Mizokawa T.
Dept.of Phys Univ.of Tokyo
Takeda Y.
Dept. Of Ob&gyn Tokyo Women's Medical College
Namatame H.
Dept.of Phys Univ.of Tokyo
Suga S.
Dept.mat.phys Osaka Univ
Takano M.
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kochi Med. Sch.
- 21aHK-8 Indication of intrinsic ferromagnetism in anatase Ti_CO_xO_ thin films : An x-ray magnetic circular dichroism study
- 30pTC-4 Fermi surfaces of BaFe_2As_2 observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
- Magnetic Anisotropy, Interfacial Hybridization, and Orbital Magnetic Moment in Co/Pt Multilayers
- 25p-W-6 Core-level XPS spectra of Fe oxides
- 5p-PS-57 X-BIS study of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8
- 40 Perinatal management of patients with hemodialysis.
- 147. The Management of Pregnancies and Deliveries in Women with Cardiac Valve Prostheses
- 370. Time-course Morphologic Observation of Vero Cells Inoculated by HSV-2
- 27pZA-14 Photoemission in quasi-two-dimensional solids : concentrating on the role of acoustic plasmons
- 23aXC-11 Photoemission in the system of linear chains : an appllcation to PBCO and Nd-LSCO systems
- Soft X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in 3d Transition-Metal Chalcogenides
- Soft X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in La_Sr_xMnO_3 and SrFe_Co_xO_3
- 125 Application of MTT assay in Sensitivity test for Anti-tumor Agents and its Clinical Effect.
- 96 Clinical significance of polymorphism in thrombomodulin gene.
- 20aYE-10 Core- and Valence-level Spectra of La(O_F_x) FeAs Superconductor
- 23pWQ-12 Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of La_Nd_Sr_xCuO_4
- 21pWG-7 Temperature dependence of the chemical potential shift in La_Sr_xCuO_4
- 335 Influence of aging, lipoprotein metabolism and sex to muscle energy dynamics and endothelial cell function.
- 103. Suppression of the Preovulatory LH Surge in the Rat by 2-hydroxyestrone : Its Mechanism and its Site of Action
- 3. The Evaluation of the Endocrine Environment of Threatened Abortion with Low Serum Progesterone Levels and its Management
- 350.Study on the Pattern of Plasma 2-hydroxyestrogens and their O-methylated Derivatives during Pregnancy and High Risk Pregnancy : XXXXXIX Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(IX)
- 24aYR-12 High-pressure synthesis and properties of PbVO_3-BiMO_3(M=Fe and Co) solid solutions
- 134 Quantitative evaluation of fetal blood flow by the echotracking measurement of vessel diameter.
- 101 Clinical and basic study on coagulation and fibrinolysis system in Antiphospholipid antibodies pregnant women.
- 432 Involvement of thrombin and cyclic AMP in the regulation of coagulation and fibrinolysis system of human trophoblasts.
- 121 Effect of the maltose-heparin therapy on intrauterine growth retardation on pregnancy induced hypertension.
- Controversy in the antenatal diagnosis of Pena-Shokeir syndrome : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Miyazaki, Japan, July 12-13, 1990
- 410 Endothelin levels in pregnancy and identification of its receptor in human term placenta.
- 73 Significance of Measurement of Molecular Markers of Endethelial Cells in PIH.
- 373 Involvement of vasodilating and anticoagulant function of endothelial cells in pregnancy induced hypertension.
- 189 Urinary metabolites of coagulant factors in preterm and term infants.
- 113. Clinical Study of Preterm Intrauterine Growth Retarded Infants
- 389. Studies on the Function of Vascular Endothelial Cells in Diabetic Pregnant Women
- 83. Biochemical Properties of Urinary Thrombomodulin during Pregnancy and its Pathophysiological Role in Toxemia of Pregnancy
- 420. Investigation of the Mechanism Involved in Implantation Employing Delayed Implantation Model of the Mouse : The Role of PGs in Implantation
- 320. Studies on the Role of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Toxemia of Pregnancy
- 89. Analysis of the Coagulative and Fibrinolytic States in the Systemic or Ovarian Circulation Among Patients with Ovarian Cancer
- 212 Effect of IGF-I on amino acid glucose transport by cultured trophoblast cells.
- 184 The biological significance of insulin-like growth factor I and its binding protein on fetal growth.
- 86 Urodynamic study of bladder dysfunction after therapy of uterine cancer.
- 326 Secondary osteoporosis due to radiotherapy : measurement by QCT and treatment by Alfacalcidol
- 198 Biological significance of IGFBP-1 on fetal development in mice.
- 36 Purification and characterization of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein in human amniotic fluid using monoclonal antibodies.
- 251 The action mechanism of GnRH in hCG release by human trophoblast cells : the role of calcium and protein kinase C.
- 250 The study on biological roles of growth factors in cultured human trophoblast cells.
- 460. Analysis of Anovulatory Patients with Hyperandrogenemia
- 6. Photoaffinity Labeling of Pituitary and Gonadal Receptors for Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone
- 310. Study on the Classification of the Intrauterine Growth Retardation and its Relation to Neonatal Abnormalities
- 204.Hormonal Aspects of Feto-placental Function in Light for Date Baby : XXXIV Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(IV)
- 402 The hypertensive effect induced with angiotensin II on the pharmacokinetic aspects and toxicities of CDDP during two-route chemotherapy using CDDP and STS.
- 334 A study for the neuro-vascular (N.V.) mechanisms of Hot Flushes (H.F.) in climacterium assessed by the Acceleration Pletysmograph (A.P.) and Thermography (T.G.).
- 378 Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) using imbalanced (methionine deprived) aminoacids solution in chemotherapy for ovarian cancer.
- 235 Basic Study on about Reciprocal Relation Peripheral Circulation and Energy Metabolism of Muscle Follow Aging.
- 10. Hormone Producing Activity of Ovarian Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma with Special Reference to its Immunohistochemical Localization
- 404. Murine Oocyte Destruction Following Intraperitoneal Treatment with 12 Chemotherapeutic Agents
- 115. The Differentiation of Papillomatous Lesion from Condyloma Acuminatum in the Female External Genitalia
- 57 An embryo-suppressing factor in endometriosis peritoneal fluid : measurement of its potency and correlation with clinical parameters.
- 145 Autoimmune mechanisms in habitual abortion.
- 23 Alkaline/hyperosmosis on the motility of human spermatozoa.
- 456 Suppression of in vitro development of mouse embryos by endometriosis peritoneal fluid and Danazol effects.
- 336 Mild hypertension in perimenopause.
- 524 Studies of the effects of energy metabolism of human muscle follow aginy.
- 235. Umbilical Circulatory Kinetics in IUGR as Determined,by the Pulse-Doppler Method
- 215. Correlation between Fetal Movement and Fetal Heart Rate Acceleration : Developmental Change during Pregnancy
- 98.Transcatheter Embolization of Pelvic Arteriovenous Malformation with Massive Genital Bleeding : XVI Hematology and Surgery
- 235.A Study of Developmental Change about Fetal Heart Rate Regulation Mechanism : XXXX ME(III)
- 178. Experimental Study on Intrauterine Fetal Alimentation. : Effects of Maternal Maltose Administration on Fetal Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism
- 172. Significance of Catecholamine in the Adaptation during Neonatal Period : Enzymatic Study of Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Catecholamine Depressed and Asphyxiated Mice
- 197. A Kinetic Study of Carbohydrate in Pregnancy
- 108. Studies on Intrauterine Fetal Alimentation
- 135. Study on Protein Metabolism During Pregnancy, Especially the Significance of Entero-hepatic Circulation of Urea-N as N-Recycling System
- 4a-H-9 Photoemission study of SrFeO_
- Spin Gap at the Phase Transition between Spin Liquid and Long-Range Ordered State in La_Sr_xCuO_
- 157) Studies on the Cerebral Hemodynamics in Nephritis(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 70. Selection of the Mode of Delivery Besed on the Severe Retinopathy in Pregnant Women with Diabetic Mellitus
- 20aGA-8 FeSe_Te_xのバンド分散と不純物効果(20aGA 鉄砒素系3(光電子分光),領域8(強相関係:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))