学習効果の差異から見た教示方法 : 発見的学習法についての実験的研究
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Purpose : The present study investigates what instructional procedure facilitates the utilization, retention and transfer of a learned mathematical for-mula. The hypotheses are as follows : 1) Those who comprehend the principle upon which the formula is derived will be superior in test performance to those who learn the formula by rote. 2) Those who learn the principle by discovery will be superior to those who learn it receptively. These hypothese are tested in the situation very similar to school education. Procedure : Ss are 93 girls in the 2nd grade of a senior high school They are divided into 4 homogeneous groups with regard to mathematical achievement. G1 : the formula only ; G2 : both the formula and the principle ; G3 : the formula and a hint to comprehend the principle ; G4 : only a hint facilitating the discovery of the formula. The formula to caluculate the sum of a arithmetic progression is learned. The instruction procedure consists of an explanation exercise. It lasts 25 minutes. Post-instruction tests are administered 3 times ; immediately, one week and 8 weeks after the instruction. They include items concerning the retention, utilization and appliciation of the formula. Results : The main findings are as follows : 1) As for the simple use fo the formula and its transfer, no difference was found among the 4 groups. but the performance of the G1, which was given no explanation of the reason why the formula was valid, was inferior to the other 3 groups when they are reqired to handle the formula in a complex way. 2) G2 (a receptive learner) shows a marked decline from the one-week-after to 8-week-after post test, whereas G4 (a learner by discovery) gets high scores in both of these tests with only a slight change. These findings seems to support both of the hypothese. Supplementary experiment : A supplementary experiment is conducted to clarigy the process through which these differences are brought about. Fifteen 11 graders were taught the same formula individually. They are divided into 5 groups, 4 of which received the similar instructions to those of the main experiment, and the remaining one is the "no-hint" group. Observations of their learning processes suggest the following points : 1) Ss of the G1 can calculate rapidly, but tend to use the formula in a rote manner and indifferent to how the formula is derived. 2) While in Ss G2 cannot incorporate the formula and the principle into their cognitive structure, Ss in the G3 & G4, though they need much time for the use of the formula, tend to treat it in a flexble way. 3) Even the Ss who are left to solve the formula themselves without any hint can calculate correctly but cannot arrive at the solution by a single formula.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1964-12-30
- 200 認知と学習(241〜8)(日本教育心理学会第12回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 2 学習・思考 : c 教科学習(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 3 学習心理 : c 教科学習(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 1 発達 : d 児童II(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 分類行動の発達的研究I
- 2 発達心理 : f 児童II(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 433 分類行動についての発達的研究
- 学習効果の差異から見た教示方法 : 発見的学習法についての実験的研究
- 4-3 学習・思考(日本教育心理学会第7回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 421 文章の記憶と理解 : 音声提示と書記提示(学習)
- 405 CAIによる実験授業の実践について(学習)
- 243 粒子概念の教授について(200 認知と学習)
- 223 圧力概念の教授 : そのII 結果と考察(教科学習,2.学習・思考)
- 222 圧カ概念の教授 : (1)問題と授業計画(教科学習,2.学習・思考)
- 335 ものの浮き沈みの教授(3.思考)
- 321 物質交代概念の形成(c.教科学習,3.学習心理)
- 135 系列化の発達とその訓練 : (2)二次元の系列化(児童II,1.発達)
- 244 系列化の発達とその訓練 : (1)発達段階の診断 その2(f.児童II,2.発達心理)
- 243 系列化の発達とその訓練 : (1)発達段階の診断 その1(f.児童II,2.発達心理)
- 343 分類基準の発達的変化 : 刺激材料との関連で(3.思考)