幼児の「対象語-行為語」構文の理解について : 「人形を投げる」などへの反応から
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Two experiments were conducted to examine the sentence comprehension of Japanese children under 6 years of age. The stimulus sentences were unusual "Object-Action" ones, such as "Ningyo-o nageru" (throw the doll). To act out the sentences the children were presented with pairs of toys : appropriate animate objects (a doll, etc.), and perplexing ones (a ball). There were some stages of the comprehension of the sentences : At around 2 years of age, the occurrence of the Target Responses (children throwing the ball to the appropriate object) was almost equal to those of the Correct Responses ; at around 3 years of age still a few Target Responses were remained ; in 4- and 5- year olds, the Correct Responses were dominant. Although, the stimulus sentences were changed from those with the particle (-o) to those with another (-ni), only 5-year-old children were able to react to the change of the sentence meaning. As a conclusion : children under 5 years of age seem to rely on semantic cues and take preference of Object-Action relations in grasping the meaning of "Object-Action" sentences.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1992-12-30
- 「格助詞獲得の時期及び過程に関する発達的研究:就学前児の二項文理解の手がかりの検討から」(博士論文要旨)
- 幼児の「対象語-行為語」構文の理解について : 「人形を投げる」などへの反応から
- 1・2才児における非日常的内容の「対象語-行為語」構文の理解について
- 臨床・障害3(911〜915)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 筋電図による知能検査解答中の内言の研究
- 発達6(254〜265)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 328 言語獲得期における象徴行動の発達 : 指さし行動とジェスチャーの機能の発達的検討(前言語行動,発達)