性的発達の臨界期に関する問題 : 中間報告
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Conventionally, the critical period of sexual development has been considered to be 13 years through 16 trs of age. The period has been determined from standpoint of physical changes. However, sexual development of an human individual has to be consied at two phases physical and psychological. Purpose of this study is to establish the critical iod ages of transition to maturity of psychoual development. For this purpose, the following problems may first be discussed. 1. How is it possible to measure the development of psychosexual functions ? 2. How is it possible to establish so-called critical period of psychosexual development ? 3. Does this period coincide with physical one ? In our investigation, several sex stimuli-such words, sentences, anatomic figure of female sexns and photograph of love scene were given he subjects, and their reactions were measured by G. S. R (galvanic skin response) and breathing variation. Thirty-two pupils from 6th to 9th grades were chosen as subjects. Though the subjects were too young for this sort of study, the breathing variation in response to such sex stimuli as words and photograph seemed to provide desirable data for the purpose of this study. 2. According to the results of our experiments, it seems possidle to set the critical period at the ages 11 through 13. 3. Generally speaking, the remarkable changes of physical functions seem to occur between 13 and 16 years of age. Though some changes in functions occur earlier or later than this period it is possible to point out that critical period of sex stimuli response as a result of psychosexual development does not coincide with that of physical one, the former coming a little earlier than the latter.
- 1956-06-30
- 315-318 知識の獲得と体制化に関する発達的研究(3.思考)
- 性差研究(第2報告) : 性差研究の体系化と性差意識に関する研究
- 性的発達の臨界期に関する問題 : 中間報告
- 学業不振の発生・変遷過程と教育上の配慮との関連についての調査研究(総合・一般研究要約)
- 発達過程における不適応行動の発生とその変遷に関する研究
- 日本教育心理学会第20回総会概要