職業的発達過程の類型化の試み : 仕事への志向性と心理・社会的発達との関連から
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the career development process. The item categories of the career development and the psycho-social development were administered to 481 junior high school students, 662 senior high school students and 256 university students. A factor analysis of 50 items on the career development indicated 3 factors of career development. Then, the signs of the factor scores were combined to classify the subjects into 8 types of career development:Type A-Work commitment (high intention of self-realization=H), Type B-Role exploration(H), Type C-Evaluation criteria acceptance (H), Type D-Work alienation (H), Type E-Work commitment (low intention of self-realization=L), Type F-Role exploration (L), Type G-Evaluation criteria acceptance (L), Type H-Work alienation (L). The main findings were as follows : (1) The career development types could be interpreted by the psycho-social development factors ; (2) Changes in career development patterns corresponded to age ; (3) Career development proceeded in the order to Type A, B, E, F, C, D, G, and H.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1991-03-30
- 青年の職業的発達過程に関する考察: 仕事への関与の予測と進路計画との関連から
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- 職業的発達過程の類型化の試み : 仕事への志向性と心理・社会的発達との関連から
- 青年の将来展望に関する考察 : キャリア行動をめぐる発達的アプローチ
- 5B-9 職業的発達課題達成に関する考察 : 心理・社会的行動特性および職務関与との関連から(発達5B)
- 365 青年期における職業的発達と心理-社会的行動特性(青年期・自我同一性,発達18,発達)
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