びわ湖におけるハスの成長に関する研究 I. : 産卵群標本を用いて推定した各年令時における体長と成長曲線について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The growth of a cyprinid fish "hasu" in Lake Biwa was analyzed. This fresh water fish is known as a typical piscivorous species in Japan. The materials were sampled annually from 1963 to 1968 from the spawning populations caught by the fishermen. Spawners of "hasu" ascend inlet streams or aggregate in the inshore area (sandy or gravel bottom), where a large quantity are caught at a time by the fishermen. The age of the material fish was determined by the scale, and the body length at each age was back-calculated from the distance between the focus and each annulus of the scale according to the direct proportional method(Fraser's formula). Based on the inspection of 2,275 specimens, the following results were obtained. 1) In spawning populations, the males were usually composed of the fish of an age more advanced than the females. Their main age groups were 3+ or 4+ fish in the male and 2+ and 3+ fish in the female. And, the materials collected during the later part of the spawning period were composed of younger aged fish than those at the climax of the spawning period. 2) The minimum body length when they matured sexually was assumed to be approximately 13cm in the female and approximately 16cm in the male. These were estimated from the lowest end of the length distribution of the spawning populations. 3) The body length at age I and II estimated from the 2+ fish of the spawners were larger than those estimated from the other age groups. This fact may indicate that 2+ fishes in the spawning populations were composed of rapidly grown individuals. 4) The annual growth curve calculated from the mean value of the back-calculated length at each age suited the equations of VON BERTALANFFY and of GOMPERTZ. However, the growth of the individual fish was not always represented by the suited curve, because the growth process of the individual fish differed considerably from each other(individual variation was great)and compensatory growth was observed in the growth of the fish older than age II. 5) The annual differences of the growth were not large and did not exhibit a definite tendency. However, in the same year-class, the fish grown rapidly in age 1+ tend to grow slowly in the succeeding year (in age 2+) and vice versa. This tendency could be seen as a compensatory growth.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1970-02-01
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- びわ湖におけるハスの成長に関する研究 I. : 産卵群標本を用いて推定した各年令時における体長と成長曲線について
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