飯豊山地の高山帯における草本, 矮低木群落の植物社会学的研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the summer of 1965,the alpine vegetations of herbaceous and dwarf shrub communities were investigated phytosociologically near the summits of the lide mountains, which are situated only about 40km distant from and facing with no obstacle the Sea of Japan. From the results obtained, the following associations are recognized in the region. 1. Association Primulo-Faurietum crista-galli nov .(Table 1) Ia. Subass, typicum Ib. Subass. veratretosum Ic. Subass. vaccinetosum 2. Association Leontopodio-Arcterietum prov. (Table 3) 2a. Subass. empetretosum 2b. Subass. potentilletosum The two new associations proposed here are obvious to be included in the alliances occurring in the alpine zone, in spite of their having several subalpine components cited in the tables. The occurrence of the alpine communities near the summits of these mountains could be due mostly to the following environmental factor : The area for the associations are covered by deep snow every year. The alpine communities discussed here might have possibly been substitutional vegetations for the coniferous forests. Considering these, the vegetational zone called"pseudo-alpine zone", might be discussed more in the future, because the communities proposed here are considered to be one of the compensational vegetations.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1967-08-01
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- 飯豊山地の高山帯における草本, 矮低木群落の植物社会学的研究