- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated gap attributes : the species of gap maker, the mode of gap formation (standing dead, stem broken and uprooted), gap area and gap age, together with gap successors (2m≦height<10m)in a mixed forest in Shiretoko National Park, northern Japan. Canopy gap was defined as the vertical projection area where no stems reached 10m height or 10cm d.b.h. We focused on the effects of gap attributes on the occurrence pattern of gap successors for each species, and then discussed the mechanisms of the regeneration processes of the component species. The stand was composed of 25 tree species, and the canopy (>10 m height) was dominated by Abies sachalinensis, Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata and Acer mono, bringing about a stratified structure. Mean expanded gap area was 210m^2,and the ratio of gaps in the canopy was 37%. Most gaps were due to multiple tree death. Most gap makers were Abies sachalinensis. In minor species (relative biomass and density ratios<5%), the occurrence pattern of gap successors was mainly governed by the gap attributes. Betula ermanii, Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica and Prunus maximowiczii were associated with uprooted gaps. Kalopanax pictus and Prunus maximowiczii were associated with large and small gaps, respectively. Phellodendron amurense was associated with young gaps. In major species (relative biomass and density ratios ≧5%), however, the occurrence pattern was governed by the distributional pattern of advance regenerated saplings under the closed canopy, rather than by gap attributes. In conclusion, the species richness of a northern mixed forest was promoted by the co-occurrence of minor species associated with the diversity of the gap attributes, whereas the species diversity of the major species was ascribed largely to the persistence mechanisms of trees under the closed canopies prior to gap creation.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1996-04-25
渡辺 修
渡辺 修
渡辺 修
久保田 康裕
久保田 康裕
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