陸水における二次生産, 特に底生動物の生産と富栄養化の関係について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Among the groups of secondary producers, Chironomidae were the most productive, both in standing and running waters. A regression analysis was performed on the reported secondary productiondata for 39 herbivorous and detritivorous chironomid species in 37 standing waters. Annual mean biomass (B_a) was positively related to the maximum body weight of fourth-instar larvae (W_<4max>), P/B ratio was positively related to annual mean bottom temperature (T_<mean>) and inversely related to W_<4max>. Production (P) decreased with increasing mean water depth (z_<mean>). The latter relationship was also true for herbivorous and detritivorous zoobenthos. Secondary production of hervivores and detritivores including zooplankton and zoobenthos was ca. 10% of primary production in lakes, Zoobenthos production became comparable to that of zooplankton in lakes where primary production exceeded ca. 10000 kJ m^<-3>y^<-1>. Emerging biomass (E) of chironomids amounted to 0.1-1.6% of the sum of primary production and allochthonous organic matter. E/P value lay within 0.2-0.5 and tended to decrease with increasing P. Collection of emerging insects is recommended as a valid means of estimating species production. Annual chironomid production may be estimated by multiplying species annual emerging biomass by a factor of 2.8. The role of secondary producers in the nutrient cycling in a ecosystem is discussed.
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- 陸水における二次生産, 特に底生動物の生産と富栄養化の関係について
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