日光におけるミズナラ個体群の再生産過程の解析 : III.270haの地域内におけるミズナラの分布とその群落遷移
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The population distribution and the stand succession of Q. crispula were investigated in an area of 270 ha. Q. crispula was mainly distributed on the wide ridges and the gentle slopes. Small Q. crispula trees tended to make a clump, and they coexisted rarely with large trees. Large Q. crispula trees existed generally as isolated trees from the same species. Based on a cluster analysis of the basal area, which included 33 tree species, the surveyed plots were roughly classified into 2 groups of A and B. Group A was characterized by Acer japonicum and Abies homolepis and group B by Alnus Matsumurae and Sorbus alnifolia. Based on the changes in floristic composition with the increasing mean DBH of Q. crispula trees, the seral stages of the trees were considered as follows : Q. crispula at the young stage grows in clumps and with intolerant trees such as Stewartia pseudo-Camellia or A. Matsumurae, then decreases in number and mixes with tolerant trees such as Tsuga diversifolia. For successful regeneration from acorns, some catastrophic changes in stand conditions seemed to be necessary in addition to the creation of gaps and the abundant supply of acorns. The continued existence of Q. crispula in a certain area was attributed to its longevity and vigorous sprouting ability rather than to its poor regeneration from acorns.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1983-03-30
- 日光におけるミズナラ個体群の再生産過程の解析 : III.270haの地域内におけるミズナラの分布とその群落遷移
- 日光におけるミズナラ個体群の再生産過程の解析 : II.個体サイズおよびパーオキシダーゼ同位酵素バンドの違いにもとづく個体の分散構造の解析
- 日光におけるミズナラ個体群の再生産過程の解析 : I.3林分における種子落下量及び稚樹成立についての数年間の記録
- クヌギ1年生苗・ブナ2年生苗の乾物および"可溶性"炭水化物収支