精麦工場における貯穀害虫の調査 : II.昆虫相と種多様度の季節的変化
- 論文の詳細を見る
Surveys were made for stored-product insects in a barley mill in Saitama prefecture once or twice a month during March 1975-June 1976. At each survey, 200 g samples of barley dust were collected from 15 sampling areas in the mill and the insects were extracted using modified Tullgren funnels. Out of the 24 species obtained, the most abundant species were Tribolium confusum, Sitophilus oryzae, Ephestia kuhniella and Rhyzopertha dominica in this order of decreasing abundance. The insect fauna of the barley mill was compared with those from flour mills, a feed mill, and farm granaries using MORISITA's index of similarity, and it was found that the fauna from the barley mill was very similar to those of the flour mills but different from those of the farm granaries. The erratic seasonal change of species diversity (BRILLOUIN's index) in the mill was caused mainly by T.confusum.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1981-06-30
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