- 論文の詳細を見る
Today, the principal paradigm used in the issue of school non-attendance is that of clinical psychology. It takes the issue as a "problem of the heart." However, if too much emphasis is placed on this paradigm, one important fact will be missed, i.e. the conditions under which the phenomenon of "nurse-room attendance" becomes possible. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new method for relativizing this paradigm from the perspective of the sociology of education. First, the methodology and perspectives which are mainly used today of case studies (the term "casism" is used in this paper) are mentioned. There are methods based on the paradigm of clinical psychology. The main characteristic is that a case is constituted by the unit of an individual's life history. Next, an alternative perspective, of "research in clinical ethnomet hodology in education" is proposed. This is a fundamental perspective for using "cases as methodography." "Cases as methodography" are constituted using the fragment of important interaction as a unit. By analyzing the structure of the fragment of important interaction, the conditions which make nurse-room attendance possible can be qualitatively clarified, and can produce a new viewpoint for looking at school non-attendance based on its feature. Furthermore, the following benefits can be gained if school nurses come to share "cases as methodography" at case study meetings. Namely, the case and the "school nurse as a person of deeds" can be separated, and the authoritarian nature or the soul of self-sacrifice involved in the work of writing the case can be removed. For example, it can become easy for a new school nurse to submit a case. Moreover, the sharing of methodography can promote new research exchanges between researchers and persons of deeds. Therefore, "research in clinical ethnomet hodology in education" is an experiment which can build a new direction in clinical research.
- 2001-05-15
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